06 May 2018

The Full Monty Dance Troup

A question about : The Full Monty Dance Troup

Dear All,

Having highjacked poor old Truegho's thread for long enough, I've now decided to start my own one. I thought The Full Monty was a good enough place to start as I expect the posts will be varied and hope that everyone will join in with the spirit of our previous line up.

07 May 2018

Job hunting

A question about : Job hunting

I would like to thank everyone for their advice. I am pleased to report that I completed another 3 applications last night and I will post them tomorrow.
I have joined and signed up to two temp agencies online.

I am really hopeful now that in a few weeks I might see some progress on interviews.

Thanks again for your assistance and I will keep you updated.

10 May 2018

Chance for job at KFC

A question about : Chance for job at KFC

I have been given the chance to have a job at KFC, on a zero-hours contract, but the problem is that the restaurant I will be working at is 10 miles from where I live and the buses do not run after 11:30pm and I will be working til 12:00am I can get a taxi for Ј30 but that is gonna be a big chunk of my wages gone on taxis, I was wondering if there is any other way I could get home, besides walking

Also are zero-hours contracts ok, I mean are they a good thing to take

11 May 2018

daily signing at jobcentre

A question about : daily signing at jobcentre

From wednesday this week i have been put on daily signing at my local jobcentre it feels like a punishment to me is anybody else on daily signings at the jobcentre?

08 May 2018

School closed. You have to make the time up in holidays!

A question about : School closed. You have to make the time up in holidays!

Hi all,

Someone I know works for a primary school. Today and yesterday the school has been closed because of the weather, they have been told that because they are off they have to make the time up during the summer holiday, or they can try and come in if they don't want to do that.

Doesn't seem right to me, I know two other people that work at different schools who when asked have never heard of this policy.

What are your thoughts?

06 May 2018

Suspended from work, and I'm innocent.

A question about : Suspended from work, and I'm innocent.

This is a messy situation, but i'll try and make it short, please give any advice for next step.
This is for my 24 year old son.
He works in a social bar, and is 2nd assistant and key holder, his boss is the manager, and the managers boss is the secretary of the commitee.

08 May 2018

HMRC AO job Washington Waterview Park

A question about : HMRC AO job Washington Waterview Park

Has anybody on here applied for the HMRC AO jobs at waterview park in Washington?

I've had an interview on the 19th January and have received some feedback.

I would really like to know if anybody else who has applied has heard yet if they have the job? because the waiting is killing me lol.

Also, does anybody know what the interview is marked out of for HMRC jobs?

05 May 2018

City workers salaries

A question about : City workers salaries

What do people make of them getting tens of thousands in bonuses?

Really they don't work any harder than many nurses or charity workers for example, so it could be seen as pure greed rather than healthy rewards.
