08 May 2018

A question about : HMRC AO job Washington Waterview Park

Has anybody on here applied for the HMRC AO jobs at waterview park in Washington?

I've had an interview on the 19th January and have received some feedback.

I would really like to know if anybody else who has applied has heard yet if they have the job? because the waiting is killing me lol.

Also, does anybody know what the interview is marked out of for HMRC jobs?

Best answers:

  • Hi, I had an interview for HMRC AO job in Preston, Lancashire on the same date and suspect it maybe part of the same recruitment exercise.
    Today, Tuesday 7 February, I received an email stating:
    Thank you for attending the recent interview. I am pleased to tell you that you were successful at this stage.
    Unfortunately, I am unable to offer you an immediate position. You have, therefore been placed on a merit list from which future appointments may be made.
    Feedback on the website has also been updated but remains incomplete.
    Please let me know how you get on.
  • Hi Jasaly
    Yeah I also received an email today saying exactly the same thing. I'm a bit disappointed to be honest, was hoping to get a start date.
    I don't know if they send this email to everyone at first. Well done on passing the interview though .
  • Congratulations yourself on passing the interview.
    I queried this email with HMRC and received a prompt response:
    The e-mail advises you have passed your interview and been placed on a merit list whilst we carry out pre-appointment checks. We have not hired anyone yet for these posts. When we do start hiring, we will contact the people who have scored the highest at their interviews first. Once we have filled the posts the remaining candidates will be kept on the merit list for any future posts that may become available within the next 6 months.
    So, it would seem, all who have passed the interview received the same email and it is back to the waiting game.
    Keeping fingers crossed for both of us.
  • Has anybody heard anything more on the AO jobs? I had an interview in Preston in mid January, had the same email and received a copy of my CRB over a week ago. I hate all this waiting.
  • Also, does anybody know how they score the interview (ie. what the highest mark would be). I have googled and all I can find is DWP AO scores...?
  • Nope still waiting.... When was the Preston HMRC jobs meant to start? I know the Washington ones are starting end of Feb and March.
    Not sure what the highest marks are, did you get any feedback?. My interview feedback said "candidate provided stong evidence" with a level 3 for the compatencies so I'm hoping this is quite a high score but I don't know lol.
  • My scores are 3s - strong evidence too, so hopefully they are the highest you can get. The jobs are supposed to start late Feb/early Mar in Preston as well. Fingers crossed we hear soon. When my crb arrived I was a little more hopeful, but that was a week and a half ago now.
  • I got my crb check back about three weeks ago but I think I was in one of the first groups of people to be interviewed.
    Yeah hopefully we will hear something soon, I will update on here if I hear anything
  • Hi, just to let you know I also haven't heard anything more regarding these jobs and like both of you have also received a clean CRB check.
    Well done on getting 3s on your feedback for the interview. Of the 5 criteria I only got 3 with 3 so if these jobs are still available fingers crossed you'll both be in the top grouping :-)
    I queried the online test score not appearing and was informed:
    We have been advised limited feedback is available for the online test
    but I will advise my colleagues that feedback does appear to be showing
    on the website and we will look into it.
    All the best
  • ^Thanks for the response!
    I had a bit of a panic today when I rang them up. I asked about the jobs in Preston and she said that they'd been sending out offers and would check if they'd all been filled. When she came back she apologised and asked if I'd said Preston and then said that no, they still hadn't made any decisions.
    At least they are getting round to filling the vacancies in some areas. I just hope our area is soon, so we know one way or another.
  • Hi all
    Just to let you know I found out I got the job at Washington so hopefully you will hear something for the preston jobs soon.
  • That's brilliant - well done! Did they email you with the job offer? When do you start?
  • Thank you No they rang me up, and then emailed me a health questionnaire to fill in. I'm not starting until the 26th March so I think I'm on one of the last groups to start.
  • Well done on getting the job !
    Just make sure you leave before you get institutionalized !
    When I joined back in 1988 (as an AO) I thought I would stay about 5 years and then leave ....
    24 years later I am still here ! (as AO !).
  • Congratulations, Pumpkin. I wish you all the best :-)
  • Have any of those who went to Preston heard yet?
    HMRC called for me today but I wasn't in, my other half told them I would be home at 5pm and they said they would call then but they didn't unfortunately.
  • No, still haven't heard anything!
  • HMRC competence scores are out of 5, 3 and above is a pass.
  • Hello Lancslass - I went for interview to Preston in January and have had a call today to say I've been offered a post so hopefully the same for you!
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