06 May 2018

Intrigued by long-running advert in Guardian: Home help needed for female writer...

A question about : Intrigued by long-running advert in Guardian: Home help needed for female writer...

I am intrigued by a job advert that I happen to notice in the job section of the Saturday Guardian every week. The same advert has been running for years:

05 May 2018

apparantely advisor does not have to prove it

A question about : apparantely advisor does not have to prove it

Regarding the thread does the advisor have to prove it if anyone has any constructive advice that might be good..

My advisor said i didnt apply for enough jobs and i had a sanction in december even though it wasnt clear how many i should be applying for. He stated there were 200 jobs on UJ i could have gone for.

05 May 2018

just been sacked for theft in retail

A question about : just been sacked for theft in retail

12 May 2018

4 years no pay rise. what action can employees take?

A question about : 4 years no pay rise. what action can employees take?

my company hasnt issued any pay rises for 4 years and have told me there probably won't be any rises in the foreseeable future

i have been expressing my general unhappiness at this but as a lone voice i can obviously be easily ignored

11 May 2018

MONEY MORAL DILEMMA. Should Lofty hold out for his dream job?

A question about : MONEY MORAL DILEMMA. Should Lofty hold out for his dream job?

Here's this week's hypothetical situation for you to cogitate on:

Should Lofty hold out for his dream job?

11 May 2018

Challenging pay comparing against colleague

A question about : Challenging pay comparing against colleague

I will keep this brief, but I just wanted clarification that I am doing the right thing.

I am currently part time (32 hours a week) but were I to work full time I would earn Ј20000. My colleague earns Ј25000 for identical job description. He has worked for company for 6 years. The company I work for absorbed my previous employer, retaining the same Directors. I have worked for the current and historical company in total for 15 years.

07 May 2018

Can you be sacked for not doing overtime?

A question about : Can you be sacked for not doing overtime?

08 May 2018

AMAZON on BBC1 Undercover

A question about : AMAZON on BBC1 Undercover

Staff walking over 8 miles on a shift! Working in the dark too with a count down on the scanner used to 'pick' stock' off the shelves.
