10 May 2018

A question about : Chance for job at KFC

I have been given the chance to have a job at KFC, on a zero-hours contract, but the problem is that the restaurant I will be working at is 10 miles from where I live and the buses do not run after 11:30pm and I will be working til 12:00am I can get a taxi for Ј30 but that is gonna be a big chunk of my wages gone on taxis, I was wondering if there is any other way I could get home, besides walking

Also are zero-hours contracts ok, I mean are they a good thing to take

Best answers:

  • Moped...........?
  • I don't have a driving licence, but maybe a good idea, not sure how much CBT is though
  • Tell them you can't work after certain time due to public transport restrictions . Also I would leave work so that there is a couple of buses due in case you miss one. Zero hour contracts mean that the minimum hours to give you is zero and thus can give you hours which vary each week. Also this would cause your wages to differ each week. You may be required to be really flexible with your work times and sometimes you maybe sent home early in a shift.
  • You have to think could you live on wages that differ each week with no garunteed amount plus being sent home early too, plus costs of transport.
  • Cycle, you can do 10 miles in about an hour, but it's free and healthy (and very flexible). Obviously if you aren't very fit, ot live in a very hilly area this may not be for you.............. though an electric bike could be an option.
  • I have spoken to them today, at my interview and they said that they really need me to do the whole shift on nights, biking is not really an option as the area is quite hilly, electric bike may be an option though
  • thanks, I will have to look into cycling, will help keep me fit at least
  • Seriously - biking 10 miles in cold/rain/dark? As no buses after 11:30 I assume this is quite rural so dangerous in several ways.
    No other options work-wise?
    Zero hours contract means you may NO work for weeks and then random 12 hour shift up on your feet all day into late at night.
    Will you be up for cycling then?
    Personally I would do my best to find something else as zero hours, so far away with no public transport, very late nights and low wages - no way.
    Good luck with whatever you decide.
    (I did work in KFC but in London and some 24 years ago... it is a hard job)
  • I dont really wanna bike, the restaurant is in Rotherham but I live in Maltby, not really rural but not urban either, this iis the first job offer in 3 years so dont really wanna pass it up due to travel restrictions
  • Zero hours is good for flexability if you do not need a set income (for example a second job, if you have Ј or pension/other income). It can be difficult when you need a certain amount of money each month as you are not guarenteed any work. Personally, I wouldnt want to walk/cycle on my own at that time of night. You could maybe ask if there is anyone who drives going the same way and you could half the petrol, might be tricky without set shifts.
  • I wouldn;t apply for a zero hours contract. You don't have to apply or take such a job under JobSeekers Allowance rules, (if you are claiming Universal Credits instead, this may be different?).
    Companies that offer zero hours contracts are taking the !!!!. Basically. If people don't apply for these jobs, then they would then have to think about offering proper terms and conditions.
  • For those suggesting a bike...
    Winter at midnight, on unlit roads, in the ice, wind, rain, snow? Are you kidding?
    It's also a prime time for drink driving, tired drivers, the 'lads' out for a drive with their mates and not paying attention etc and cyclists are just part of the scenery to them.
    Cycling is great in the city but not for 10 miles, alone, at midnight.
    Honestly, I'm sick of hearing people saying 'get a bike' to everyone that has transport problems... would they do it themselves? Really? REALLY?
    Some things are easier said than done.
  • How am I supposed to get a scooter or pay for a CBT with no money, I am on JSA at the moment so I don't happen to have a spare 300-500 quid kicking about, and also I am not being lazy just practical, summer is great for cycling I often cycle at this time of year but winter is another thing completely, please stop thinking that I am a lazy good for nothing scrounger at least I am getting myself out there unlike some people in this country, I want this job but practicality is key here, I will see if I can do just a couple of nights a week as then I could get a taxi back, won't eat into my money so much then
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