05 May 2018

A question about : City workers salaries

What do people make of them getting tens of thousands in bonuses?

Really they don't work any harder than many nurses or charity workers for example, so it could be seen as pure greed rather than healthy rewards.

Best answers:

  • have you not made anymore than 10p cashback phil? you should reasd some of kates threads on the refferal bored
  • I am sure even I could sit there and press about on my Spreadsheets and I am nothing special.
    What they do does not seem hugely special but maybe the hours and graft are.
  • They do a hell of a lot more than "press about on their spreadsheets". Could you forecast share prices etc? I know I couldn't!
    Doesn't mean that nurses, charity workers etc are not worth their weight in gold. Just that money talks and hefty bonuses reflect the levels of profit they are making for their employers.
  • Oh phil. phil.... You have all these opinions about jobs, economy, education etc... seemingly you know what all the professions do and you can do everything too... Well why don't you actually go out and DO something? Then perhaps we will be impressed.
  • This coming from someone who has never done a days work in his life, what a joke
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