07 May 2018

A question about : Job hunting

I would like to thank everyone for their advice. I am pleased to report that I completed another 3 applications last night and I will post them tomorrow.
I have joined and signed up to two temp agencies online.

I am really hopeful now that in a few weeks I might see some progress on interviews.

Thanks again for your assistance and I will keep you updated.

Best answers:

  • Good News!!!!!!!!!
    I have spoken to the boss of the job I really want and we seemed to get on, so I could be back in the race!!
  • Fantastic news Phil - good luck! x
  • I do not think the odds look good now for my(I thought it might have my name on it) job as looking at the job boards at other universities in the county they have it at the top of their lists.
    So it means it will probably be flooded with hundreds of applications.
    So my odds of getting it will be low.
  • Why not look at non-university jobs too Phil?
  • Phil, where (roughly) do you live? I know of an admin job in Leeds (at the uni) that is still open. PM me if you're interested.
  • Phil, you only know University best because you haven't left the education system yet!
    You are still a student.
    Get yourself out of the school environment and into the real world.
    And, yes, for everyone else reading this I DID go to University and beyond!
  • I work for a charity helping people in debt. There are loads of places you can get jobs where people actually "do good" for others.
    After god knows how many years in education and at uni I found it refreshing to work in another environment away from education mixing with new people and such
  • I suppose all things like Water companies, charities, housing are all socially important things. I think I am just going for uni because it is safe.
  • Phil, do you want a job, or not?
  • Even socially responsible corporate companies do good in the world along with making money, don't limit yourself to just one area the world is a big place and there are lots of great opportunities for people who are not afraid of hard work.
  • Phil
    You seem to get dispirited very easily. Please try to be more positive about your chances.
    OK so if there are more people applying, statistically your chances may be reduced on the raw numbers. However it doesn't mean that everyone has an equal chance of being short-listed: you may be much better suited to the job than the median candidate so your chance will be that much better.
    Any way, you are supposed to be revising for your finals right now so don't spend too much time in job search. I'd suggest that you set yourself a target of, say, no more than two applications a week.
    When your exams are out of the way, you may have a job offer to start in the summer or you may still be looking and be able to give more time to the search. Let's hope you find the right place for you when you need it - but don't get worried about it now, keep on with your studies as your success in that will aid your success in your job hunting.
    Best wishes
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