06 May 2018

A question about : The Full Monty Dance Troup

Dear All,

Having highjacked poor old Truegho's thread for long enough, I've now decided to start my own one. I thought The Full Monty was a good enough place to start as I expect the posts will be varied and hope that everyone will join in with the spirit of our previous line up.

I could be like Pollyanna and say please post only positive things, but I realise that everyone has good days and bad days and sometimes we all just need a pat on the back! But likewise, if anyone is down please vent too, as that can be just as theraputic! And sometimes someone can offer some advice or help which you might have missed.

So, dear fellow jobseekers, don't forget the cardinal rules:

1. Connect with someone every day
Post a message, write a blog, keep a diary, talk to someone at the bus stop. Just keep being part of the human race. We're all just normal people.

2. Keep Active
Exercise, walk the dog, ride a bike, do the housework, tidy the garden and take plenty of water during the heat. It's going to be a long summer...

3. Take notice of your surroundings
Enjoy the simple things in life - a lovely flower, a pretty baby, a happy dog or cat.

4. Keep learning
Set yourself a challenge to learn something new each day. Everyone has interests and just one fact or snippet of information might be the start of something good.

5. Give something back
Volunteer to do something for a local charity, open a door for someone, help an elderly neighbour or relative, contact your local animal shelter and ask if they need any dog walkers or cat-cuddlers. Giving back reminds you that you're a good person and you have a lot to give.

************************************************** ****

So here's my contact today... my update as I've been away for a few days (not literally, but off the PC).

I've been walking the dogs everyday until the recent heatwave and I'm now giving them time off for good behaviour. Might get out early tomorrow but if not, they have had a swim in the pool. No, I'm not an MP, but I do have an inflatable pool in the backyard and the dogs at least get a dip.

If you have got pets, please keep them in the shade as much as possible and make sure they have plenty of fresh, cool water to drink. There's lots of info on the net about dealing with sunstroke and other problems you might encounter, especially for dogs.

Short coated dogs are more likely to suffer than long coats as they have less protection against the heat. Best option is to walk them for a shorter spell during the early morning or late evening or even not at all for a few days.

Watch out for Adders in long grass areas as they'll be loving this warm weather.

AND DON'T LEAVE YOUR DOG IN THE CAR AT ALL. The temperature inside a car can be dangerous even without the current heat and a dog can lose consciousness and die very quickly even with the windows and sun roof open.

There, hope that's offering you something new to learn today today... or does that count as giving something back? title=Embarrassment

I've also had a couple of interviews, which I'm still waiting to hear from and there does seem to be a few more jobs out there. I know that sounds a bit odd especially as the summer hols are starting soon and most people hang on until September, but oddly enough by diversifying out of my normal roles, I've had a few more options. I'm still working on it but hey, you never know...title=Wink

More exercise has included a trip to the Job Centre for a follow up meeting. I've now hit 13 weeks so have to go in at least once a fortnight to speak to my adviser. Lovely chap, very decent and actually understood what I've been doing on my own as well as offering me some updates on courses. Even managed to get some info for the OH as well about a course.

Even more exercise included a second, separate trip to the Job Centre to help one of my kids sign on having finished at college. I know, I'm a pushy, molly-coddling mum and was surprised to know that I wasn't even allowed to go in with him. The reasons, not enough room in the waiting area and then I was told that apparently they've had to ban family members from attending as some people have been turning up for a day trip out to the JC. title=ROTFL Are they telling me that this is the best free day out in town? Or do I look like custard? Well, actually, dear JC workers not all of us are there because we like it and frankly, this time last year we were in work, with good wages and the No. 1 child wouldn't have had to sign on at all as we would have kept him in finances until he got a job. title=Mad

Okay, rant over... I still can't quite get over being treated like dole scum...!!! title=Stick

Finally, the OH and I are celebrating a big anniversary and my cheap tip was to recreate our first dance together and cut a look-a-like cake and drink some imitation Champers. It didn't quite go to plan, but the day wasn't quite as bad as we feared. And we still have the rest of the year to celebrate. Actually, I felt quite normal for 24 hours...

Okay, thread-buddies, over to you!

Stay cool,
Sackcloth. title=Cool

Best answers:

  • Yes, there are snakes but usually on common land and open grasslands. Not often in back gardens, so you should be safe...
    Enjoy the tea party for your Gran and good luck with the interview. Go knock 'em dead kid...!!
    And keep drinking lots of fluids,
  • I live right next to fields though!! lol I'm scared I hate the things!!
    I am indeed drinking copious amounts of coca-cola which my mother is ready to shoot me dead for, for damaging my health. It seems the sunny weather makes everyone more optimistic about jobs...and it's deadly being off in this weather too!
  • Hi Sackcloth,
    What a great thread, and a very original title.
    Well, I got a letter through the door today and thought it was another redundancy notice. That would have been my fourth in a year. It's one thing getting jobs, but yet another thing to hang on to them in today's climate.
    Anyway I am not an ex-lollypop lady yet, but the council here is making sweeping changes to pay and working arrangements and everyone is being consulted. Need to get myself moving and get some more clients for my business, hope this thread will help to keep me focussed, not a time for resting on laurels.
    All the best everyone.
  • Sackcloth - what an inspiring post. I would vote for it for post of the month or whatever it's called - if I knew how!
    You have just inspired me to take the farmers dog out for a walk so we can both get some fresh air!
    Re snakes - we saw an adder in Scotland last week.
    I don't have much progress to report on the job seeking / self employment front as I have had a stomach bug thing for two weeks that everyone around here seems to have had. I have still been looking for work though - anything to bring in a bit of money, but it's amazing what you can survive on when you have to, isn't it!
    Hope everyone is ok, and I agree with Sackcloth - we might be unemployed but once we have done what we can job hunting wise, at least we can get out and enjoy nature today
  • This morning I commented to my partner that the windows looked a bit dirty in the hope that he would clean them before he went to work at lunchtime. He didn't so i ended up clening them all myself (ground floor flat so not that bad). When I had finished in the kitchen I realised the kitchen was looking a bit messy, I was on a bit of a roll and one thing led to another and beforelong I had the cleanest kitchen in the world.
    I've been to the gym this afternoon for some exercise, i'm a bit of an obsessive when it comes to getting my exercise and I would go insane without it. I know I shouldn't be spending money on things that aren't vital but Im going to continue with it as long as I can afford it.
    Within the last hour or so I've had to break up several cat fights between my cat and kitten. Have had to resort to the spray bottle after "noooooooooo!" and "Pshhhhhhhhhhh" failed to work.
    I've had an email back from bt/manpower to say that they have got my application form for a customer advisor post. Im quite excited about this one as I have done similar work before, and I think the only thing standing against me is the number of people who might apply.
  • Today I have taken more steps to get clients - its not easy being self employed after coming off the dole:rolleyes: Mainly I have been taking calls about my old website, salespeople trying to sell me advertising space, someone asking if I had received a booking form to book a stand at a wedding fair - not received yet.
    Not been out either - well I have, I went as far as my balcony to hang out some washing. I chatted to the washing machine repair man who charged me Ј12 because really there is nothing wrong with my machine, I just think that there is:rolleyes: Oh and I earned Ј2 by doing a government survey on literacy and numeracy and was then asked if I needed adult literacy and numeracy courses (I got the answer wrong on one maths question despite getting the principle right:rolleyes.
    I have also updated my blog and given people advice on here
  • Hi Horace, I appreciate your sentiments. I'm finding it difficult being self employed and raising an income, while still trying to pick up bits and pieces of unrelated work to pay the bills. It's a balancing act. The investment needed in marketing, networking etc, is rewarding, but time consuming and pay back time is often months down the line. Still it definitely beats the dole, and all this juggling is stimulating and creative.
    I am organising myself for a couple of mystery shops, that i've got booked for this morning. I really don't like doing these, but I am telling myself that they will help with my observation and presentation skills and help to toughen me up a bit more. A mini goal for this week is to register with a couple more mystery shopping agencies, as work seems to be picking up, after a dire spell.
  • Scrooge - you should come and join us on the DFW board - we have a thread going called Join in if you are self employed and work from home. We give each other a bit of moral support and encourage each other to stop procrastinating and get on with things
  • I have a dilema people.....
    I have offered a job (YAY) but the start date is not until the 1st of September - now, I want to work between then, obviously, but finding a job just for two months is proving to be hard....I dont want to sit on my ar8e for the next two months, but like I say, getting a job for the short period is nigh on impossible. I was thinking of volunteering, as at least it will keep me busy and I have not been doing nothing.
    Advice please?
  • Dear All,
    Today have already been out for a long nature walk with the dogs so my exercise quota is already full. I agree with you Medini, try not to give up everything all in one go and at least if you have a gym membership then you will be using it to the max at the moment.
    Apart from that, well, I've had a few more calls from some agencies yesterday and am being put forward for a couple more jobs. I've tweaked my CV and uploaded it on the Reed site so that will jump around the ether to the agencies who may have something.
    However, I have a quandry that I'd like some feedback from you all on. And please be honest, but can you be kind too?
    One of the interviews I had this week has turned out to be successful and they have offered me the job. BUT, the office where it is based is already just outside my travelling options so it would have been a stretch to get there but do-able. However, they are intending to move to a new office further away very soon, at least 1 hour + drive away. The salary will not really cover the travelling expenses and the hours are "flexible" with the onus on me to be flexible on a 24/7 basis.
    My quandry is should I take this job on a short term contract to see if it turns out okay even if they move despite the fact that it will cost me a lot to travel, plus the hours mean that my whole work-life balance is shot to pieces? I don't think it would be fair to the company to start the role and then give up after a month or so if it didn't work out.
    I have other very definite irons in fires which I would prefer to follow and they will be coming up in the next month. This would also allow me to have time at home developing my own business and would give me the opportunity to actually do something for myself.
    I know you are probably all shouting at me to take the job, so your advice would be a real help. My OH has been very supportive saying that it's not the role that I want and it will be too difficult to work out the logistics as I can't go by public transport very easily (will add around 3 hours to my working day).
    And yes, I'm making excuses here and I hate myself for thinking about turning it down but I know that life will be pretty difficult for me and the family if I do...
    Oh my word, who said it was easy...???
  • Hi everyone
    Sackcloth: "One of the interviews I had this week has turned out to be successful and they have offered me the job. BUT, the office where it is based is already just outside my travelling options so it would have been a stretch to get there but do-able. However, they are intending to move to a new office further away very soon, at least 1 hour + drive away. The salary will not really cover the travelling expenses and the hours are "flexible" with the onus on me to be flexible on a 24/7 basis.
    My quandry is should I take this job on a short term contract to see if it turns out okay even if they move despite the fact that it will cost me a lot to travel, plus the hours mean that my whole work-life balance is shot to pieces? I don't think it would be fair to the company to start the role and then give up after a month or so if it didn't work out."
    I agree with you - I wouldn't take it. Speaking from personal experience. You'll get something more suitable. Just my opinion though. RR
  • I had a similar quandry Sackcloth. I was offered a job, a while back, that would have got me to my monetary target, but would have been a real strain on the family. There was a lot of shift work involved.
    I was all ready to take it, but my husband talked me out of it, and with hindsight I think he was right.
    I am doing all sorts of odds and sods at the moment, but my family are happy, as it all fits around them, and we are just about getting by. Whatever you decide, congratulations on getting the job, that should be a terrific boost to your confidence !!!
    Great work too Louise. I hope you allow yourself some time to sit on your ar...se, knowing that you have a job to look forward too. I am sure you have worked very hard to get where you are.
    Good to have you back rosered.
    I have lurked on the self-employment thread Horace and I have always been impressed with your determination to succeed, and pinched a few tips off you too, if the truth be known.
  • Thanks guys - I suppose I have worked hard - I have sent so many applications away that I have spent hours and hours and on, and had so many interviews - in the last 10 days alone I have had 7!
  • Hello everyone!
    Well done Louise!
    What a lovely bunch of motivated people on here. I was having a dip until I re-read this thread this afternoon.
    Scrooge - Hi! I am the same - doing all sorts of bits and pieces and getting by. I can't think what I did with that big salary I used to have - wasted most of it probably. Being out of full time work and very short of money has made me realise that with a bit of thought, you can get by on far less money. When I get a decent income again, I will never be a spendthrift! I might even save
    Hope everyone is having a great day (despite the humidity - urghhh)
    RR X
  • The weather has became much fresher here today - been raining most of the day and it is bliss! Well I sent my conditional offer back, and now I just have to get my referencing checked...i hope it goes ok!
    This thread is a nice place to come and I agree - it is very uplifting.
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