08 May 2018

A question about : School closed. You have to make the time up in holidays!

Hi all,

Someone I know works for a primary school. Today and yesterday the school has been closed because of the weather, they have been told that because they are off they have to make the time up during the summer holiday, or they can try and come in if they don't want to do that.

Doesn't seem right to me, I know two other people that work at different schools who when asked have never heard of this policy.

What are your thoughts?

Best answers:

  • Entirely fair.
    Go in or make up the time.
  • i think its probably fair as the parents who have to stay off to look after the kids also have to make time up.
  • So why is [seemingly] no other school in the country adopting this 'entirely fair' policy?
    Isn't it the gov that should decide this, not a middle manager at the school?
  • about time to
  • Yes, I would ignore him.
    Anyway being as objective as possible, I think that if you have been told not to come into work, then you should get paid and if you just decided not to go in, you shouldn't.
    I have always known this to be the case for other people working in jobs. It's basically because even though you may want to go into work, they are closed so they can't.
    But just my opinion really.
  • Maybe all the parents that can not work due to the school being closed should charge the school the fine for taking unauthorised time off just like they do if you take your child out of school for a holiday in term time.
  • What is the alternative? Just give teachers an extra day paid annual leave?
  • I'm a school cook in charge paid by the local authority it was the heads desicion to close our school - I can't get in as it's locked, I phoned my council employers to inform them it had been on the local radio that our school was once again closed due to the snow (it was yesterday too). I was asked to phone around all the other girls who work with me (which i did yesterday as well). When I asked about pay (which i'm not particularly bothered about but some of the girls I work with really need it) I was told we would haveto take unpaid leave.
    One of the girls I work with is also a school cleaner for the same council and is getting paid for the cleaning job but not school meals job - how can they do that?????
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