06 May 2018

17 yr old dismissed despite not being at fault

A question about : 17 yr old dismissed despite not being at fault

I have a very distressed DSD. A friend at work played a practical joke on her (they are very close but he is quite immature) which has lead to her employers calling her in for a meeting where they informed her they had already written her dismissal letter.

07 May 2018

work expects me to work through unpaid dinner hour

A question about : work expects me to work through unpaid dinner hour

Wondering if anyone can give me advice. Im thinking of taking my dinner hour anyway but just want to make sure i cant get a diciplinary for it !

09 May 2018

Is this sex discrimination?

A question about : Is this sex discrimination?

09 May 2018

Time off for daughters illness

A question about : Time off for daughters illness


My sister is in full-time employment. Her 13 year old daughter was ill for 2 days last week. She took off 2 days to look after her. her employer has now told me that she has to take the 2 days as holiday - can they do that? She wanted to keep the 2 days for family holiday later in the year.

I believe she will have a contract as she has worked for the same business for around 5 years - but I don't know any details as to what may be in that contract.

08 May 2018

Job Fears: I am about to become part of the working poor?

A question about : Job Fears: I am about to become part of the working poor?

Hi, this week I was given the opportunity by A4E to get an interview with a woman who owns a gymnasium. I have always wanted to work in a gym, and I am qualified to do basic fitness stuff. The pre-interview stage (an informal interview) starts on Tuesday with another interview later on in the week. I suspect I am not the only candidate given this opportunity.

10 May 2018

Apprenticeship Pay, No Contract & Long Hours.

A question about : Apprenticeship Pay, No Contract & Long Hours.

I was wondering if anyone could advise what to do in this scenario.
Posting on behalf of a friend

They started work as an apprentice chef in July this year for an independent restaurant inside a hotel.

They get paid below national minimal wage because they are an apprentice, and under 21 so not applicable at present. It's approx Ј2.60ph if i remember. (based on 37.5 working hours per week)

10 May 2018

options for a 50 yr old.

A question about : options for a 50 yr old.

It's possible that I will, in the next few years find myself unemployed due to relocation.
Although qualified in my currant area (animal care) I have not got a great deal of experience in other areas.
Any advise for retraining, taking courses or even starting a business of my own in preparation for the possible unemployment.
I'm quite worried about this and even though it's likely to be a least 2 years,away would like to be as prepared as I can but just don't know where to start.

08 May 2018

Suspended pending investigation for gross misconduct.

A question about : Suspended pending investigation for gross misconduct.
