06 May 2018

Jobseekers Allowance And Temporary Work

A question about : Jobseekers Allowance And Temporary Work

Hi,If I was to claim Jobseekers Allowance and I then began a temporary job for a week or so, would I be able to then claim again straight afterwards if no other work was available? On the larger scale, could you keep doing this for ever?Thanks for your help!

13 May 2018

Unemployment Making Me Utterly MISERABLE!

A question about : Unemployment Making Me Utterly MISERABLE!

I feel I had to write again to say how utterly FED UP and MISERABLE I am feeling at present through being unemployed. The phone is staying silent EVERY day, despite my numerous job applications on many jobsites. I am not even getting any acknowledgements to my applications from ANYWHERE.

10 May 2018

Problem at work, need some quick advice....

A question about : Problem at work, need some quick advice....

Long story short, i've moved temporarily to a different dept, one supervised by someone who really shouldn't even be in the dept. He has no official authority, he's just the oldest, he's only there because they needed an extra pair of hands to do the simple work, he's not the sharpest tool in the box and he's lacking any technical knowledge.
I'm in there to provide technical guidance in setting up some new equipment.

11 May 2018

Deciding what do with your life

A question about : Deciding what do with your life

How can you decide what you want to do with your life career wise?

Is it really even possible to decide what you want to do or do you just get swept along?

(I do admit that I have a self interest in this topic before anyone says)

06 May 2018

When to declare a disability?

A question about : When to declare a disability?

When is best to declare a disability when applying for a job?

If you can not do it on the application form as the form lacks a place to declare it, when is the best time to declare it?

Is it best to wait until they offer you the job and then they can not possibly discriminate against you as I think if places know they are more likely to see you negatively (regardless of the law)?

09 May 2018

Suspended from work

A question about : Suspended from work

I work for a supermarket for under 2 years. Today I was suspended due to fraud on my store's loyalty card. The thing is I know customers and colleagues that do it all the time.

We had self scan tills installed a couple of months ago and the trainer told us that no-one will track you if you put the maximum of bags reused when you scan your own shopping. A colleague highlighted this with a question.

08 May 2018

coworker enquiring about sexuality

A question about : coworker enquiring about sexuality

How would you deal with this situation

Recently a female coworker asked me if I was gay and if I fancied men

Is this something someone could get warned about

Is this something one should brush off? Doesnt really bother me that anyone should ask this but should I tell her that someone could take offence and she could potentially get in trouble for such a question

09 May 2018

Interview -shirt colour.

A question about : Interview -shirt colour.

What colour shirt would you recommend for an interview?

Light Blue Check
