07 May 2018

Agency can't put you forward as you aren't working?

A question about : Agency can't put you forward as you aren't working?

Has anyone else had this as a reason why an agency can't or wont send your CV over to an employer for a job?

08 May 2018

You can refuse the Work Programme

A question about : You can refuse the Work Programme

If you do not wish your data to be used by these third party providers you can refuse to sign the consent form at your initial appointment, withouth being sanctioned. This website will give you more information: www.workprogramme.org.uk

A4E already lost about 24,000 personal details of their customers last year.

10 May 2018

Mentioning children at interview

A question about : Mentioning children at interview


Talking to my friend about her upcoming interview for a professional role in the legal sector, she said 'I want to mention my daughter'. I said 'Why?' and she said 'Because then they know I'm normal'. Don't ask about the logic behind this, because frankly I'm none the wiser myself and can only assume she thinks I'm a childless weirdo!

05 May 2018

Is this Discrimination?

A question about : Is this Discrimination?

I recently had a interview for the position of housekeeper in a nursing home, 20hrs a week, 4hrs a day...I was offered the position on condition of satisfactory references, CRB, and medical.

On Thursday I recieved a letter from them stating they were withdrawing the offer.

I rang and spoke to the Manager, she told me it was for medical reasons ( I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer 8yrs ago, underwent surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and 5yrs of hormone treatment )

10 May 2018

What do you consider a 'decent' salary (non-London)

A question about : What do you consider a 'decent' salary (non-London)

Just wondering what you guys would class as a 'decent' salary? At the moment I'm 29, home-owner, single, and on Ј50,478 (plus Ј4,500 from lodger tax free) and to be honest I don't feel that well off at all. Seems all my money just disappears each month and don't have a lot to show for it.

07 May 2018

Help worried sick here. Gross Misconduct

A question about : Help worried sick here. Gross Misconduct

I am currently suspended due to a supposed incident at work. I recieved a letter over a week ago inviting me to an investigation meeting because a manager in my company heard apparently heard a homophobic comment.
The first I knew about this was in the investigation meeting. the manager heard the comment and turned round and saw me and two other workers in the vicinity of where this comment came from.
I never heard anyone say anything homophobic and I know i definately didnt say anything.

05 May 2018

been accused of taking Ј2000 from work advise asap please

A question about : been accused of taking Ј2000 from work advise asap please

09 May 2018

Feel a bit sick :(

A question about : Feel a bit sick :(


I have worked at my job for about 9 months. It was all rosy untill I realised it totally runs on my bosses whims. For instance he came in for about 3 hours today, was in a foul mood which means everyone is just quiet. He asked me if I had tried my work jacket on, I said it didn't fit so he storms out saying You and your f**king uniforms as I've committed murder or made our company bankrupt.....
