07 May 2018

Mistreated at job centre

A question about : Mistreated at job centre

Hi everyone, hope you are well. Unfortunately I am not.

I had an appointment for signing on exactly an hour ago and I am not long back. I returned home in tears.
When I was called up to the desk the 'lady' behind it was extreamerly condecending and rude. She interrogated me and made me well up to the point where I was trying not to cry. She asked me where all the details of my job search were on the 'diary' I have to fill out. They were right under her nose - with dates.

05 May 2018

How does 'one month's notice' work?

A question about : How does 'one month's notice' work?


I wondered if anybody would be able to enlighten me... /

I have just got a new job & my current contract states that I need to give one month's notice. May be a bit of a daft question but how does it work??

If I gave notice on the 1st of the month, is my last day the 1st of the next month or the last day of the same month? Also, as Feb is a short month, when do I need to give notice to ensure that I can start my new job on 3rd March (as 1st is a Sat)?

02 May 2018

How do I work out my monthly pay??

A question about : How do I work out my monthly pay??


I am not very good at maths and have just started a new job (NOT as an accountant). How can I work out from my annual salary (Ј7600) how much net pay I should receive monthly? My employers have already botched this months! title=Mad


06 May 2018

when does a temporary contract have to become permanent

A question about : when does a temporary contract have to become permanent

I work in F.E and have been employed on fixed term contracts for the last four years. I've been told that those employed on short-term contracts can only be employed under such a contract for a maximum of (depending who you talk to ) 2/3/4years and then your employer is obliged to offer you a permanent contract.The hours and days I worked have varied from year to year but have only increased and not decreased. Can anybody tell me if I am entitled to a permsnent contract and if I am who I raise it with?

05 May 2018

How to work out Tax & N.I. ?

A question about : How to work out Tax & N.I. ?

Anyone have a formula, or website where it works out tax and national insurance? Was sure found one but never bookmarked. Dizzy me.

06 May 2018

Courier Jobs

A question about : Courier Jobs

Does anyone have any experience of courier work? I've got an 18 month old and 11 week old and once my maternity leave is over I'm only going to be able to earn Ј30/week max in my current job so i need to find something else and a courier seems to be a sensible idea but was looking to see if anyone knows more details about it. I know there's Redcats and Parcelnet, are there any others and how much am I likely to earn etc?? :confused: Any info would be very gratefully received!!

03 May 2018

Finding a job following dismissal for gross misconduct

A question about : Finding a job following dismissal for gross misconduct


Newbie here.

Just last week, following a three week investigation I was dismissed for gross misconduct. I did something really silly (without realising it was against company rules) and after a successful four year career with my employer, including two promotions I have lost my job title=Frowntitle=Frown

06 May 2018

Handing in resignation with immediate effect, now working off the notice period ?

A question about : Handing in resignation with immediate effect, now working off the notice period ?


I have been very unhappy with my job for over 3 years now - too much horrible things have been done to me/afected me to even start writing them down here.

There is an opportunity of another job but the start dat would be very soon.

I was oroginally on 3 months notice at my current job which I believe went down to 1 month last year (downgrading).
