01 May 2018

What Is The Longest You Have Waited For A Reply

A question about : What Is The Longest You Have Waited For A Reply

29 Apr 2018

Salary v experience

A question about : Salary v experience

I am facing a reduction of my hours at work and
I have been offered another job which is really interesting and would probably look good on my CV (the title is more senior and there are new aspects that I don't currently do) but the pay is not good.

We can manage on the lower pay but I wouldnt be happy on it for the long term. I'm also concerned the low pay could reflect badly when I look for the next job after that.

Faced with this would you stay put and look for another job or go for the new one?

29 Apr 2018

No joy in finding work

A question about : No joy in finding work

Over Christmas and the New Year, I have applied for a few admin posts on the NHS Jobs website.

Sadly, I have been unsuccesful for all - even a bank admin work job!

My last admin job, was poorly skilled and very dead end. There was no progression and little help and support. I took two years out to care for my partner up until his sudden death in October 2014 and I feel this abscene is going against me.

29 Apr 2018

How to find "work from home" roles

A question about : How to find "work from home" roles


I have a mild disability and would like to work primarily from home rather than commuting to an office (although would consider for example doing 1 day a week at an office and 4 days at home).

I have done some proofreading and web site testing from home in the past, but the company is not around anymore.

I am NOT looking for online surveys, pyramid selling etc. but a 'proper' job, whether employed or self-employed.

01 May 2018

McDonalds not paying accured holiday pay after termination

A question about : McDonalds not paying accured holiday pay after termination

I accured over Ј360 of holiday pay during my employment with mcdonalds since mid september and gave in 1 weeks notice of my termination (2 shifts of that week i could not work due to training for my new job)
According to managers i am not entitled to this holiday pay at all as my final payment as i did not work my full notice, yet this is mentioned nowhere in my contract, and it also says in the hourly paid employees handbook that even without notice i am fully entitled to my holiday pay.

28 Apr 2018

TUPE confusion

A question about : TUPE confusion


We are being TUPEd over to a new company in the next month or so but there has been some confusion over sick pay.

Currently we are entitled to 26 weeks full pay and the new company contract states it is dependent on length of service (I will get about 6 weeks and other colleagues a bit more as they have been here longer).

We have been given the option of keeping our pre existing contract, or moving over to theirs.

02 May 2018

advice on job breaks

A question about : advice on job breaks

28 Apr 2018

Repayment of Relocation

A question about : Repayment of Relocation
