07 May 2018

A question about : Mistreated at job centre

Hi everyone, hope you are well. Unfortunately I am not.

I had an appointment for signing on exactly an hour ago and I am not long back. I returned home in tears.
When I was called up to the desk the 'lady' behind it was extreamerly condecending and rude. She interrogated me and made me well up to the point where I was trying not to cry. She asked me where all the details of my job search were on the 'diary' I have to fill out. They were right under her nose - with dates.

Her: You're not doing very much. I don't see any information on the sheet.

Me: It's right here (I then pointed to the page) It's over the back aswell because there wasn't enough space.

Her: It doesn't look like very much. (There were six 'logs' if you like, that's what is asked of me every fortnight, and that is what I gave).

Me: What more can I do, i've wrote everything that i've done to try and find a job that I am asked. I wouldn't put any lies down, that's honestly everything I've done.

Her: I am not asking you to tell a lie. I'm just telling you it doesn't look like anything. What date was this? (She says pointing to a seven week old 'log'. It was actually my first one, so I didn't realise you needed precise dates at the time. I had just given an approxamte.)

Me: I don't remember, sorry. It was my first one I didn't realise I had to put them in at the time.

Her: You will definitely need to do more from what I can see. What date does that say? What papers do you look in? What websites do you go on? If you've actually been looking for a job you'd know.

I tried to answer her questions to my best but I felt really crap. She made me out to be a liar and it was frustrating, especially as I have been trying.

Me: I was on Dobbies when they were recruiting but they needed managerial positions only. I was on the Lipsy website to get a number to call in store personally. I handed in a CV but they told me they had everyone they needed at the time. I went to see a careers advisor and we were on Diret Gov together looking.

Her: If you don't do more this will affect your benefit claim.

Is that her threatening me despite the fact that I can't do more. I am scared because I need the money. After that she didn't even help to print out any vaccancy's for me. How am I supposed to apply for jobs when I don't have any to apply to - that's her job, she's supposed to help me with that! And she says I don't do enough and will have my benefit's taken away! Cheek. I even explained that I got a letter from a company saying they would like to keep my application for future vacancy's. I was pleased to hear that. But she in all honestly, rolled her eyes off of me. I don't see how much more I can prove to her I have been trying. The sheet even had things on it about me looking into working at the NHS. My aunt works for the NHS and said she would help me fill in applications and gave me the website.

I can't believe she made me feel that small after all i've done. Her tone wasn't even a pleasant one - it was very harsh. Quite nasty and definitely condecending. I sat there trying not the cry more than anything else. She didn't even let me see the computer screen to look at open vacany's. She basically sat me down, told me my benefits would be taken away if I did not do more and then told me to leave. Infact her lasts words to me were That's it. And I left muttering thank you.

When my dad saw me as I came in the door he was alarmed and some what angry that I was upset. He phoned the job centre on my behalf to complain about the way that I had been spoken whilst looking for help and signing on.

I just felt like sh!t on her shoe. I am 19 and have suffered from depression and anorexia in the past. I already have low self esteem. Looking for a job is depressing as it is, without bats like her around. Her whole purpose is to encourage me to find work. I nearly told her to shove her sheet and her benefits up her hole. But obviously need the money badly - plus isn't that what she wants me to do.

I am waiting on someone to call back so they can speak to me directly. And I am really nervous.

Best answers:

  • I am really sorry to hear this. The dole is demoralizing enough already, there really is no excuse for it.
    Please take heart, the bad ones are rare, and I have had some nasty ones in the near past, but I have someone really inspirational signing me on at the moment and it has done wonders. They are not all bad.
    I think this woman was having a bad day and took it out on you, and it is no reflection whatsoever on your efforts, after all, how would she know?
  • Oh dear sorry you had such a bad time..
    Whenever I have been they have been okay with me, apart from when they told me to leave college.. idiots!
    I would have a prepared speach ready for future visits.
    Them: 'what have you done to look for a job'
    You: 'I've been on the Direct Gov website, Fish4Jobs, the local paper, I've handed out 10 CV's and I've tried asking in around 10 shops I've passed'
    It might not be 'true', but if you are looking for work and you are happy with your efforts to find a job, then just tell them what they need to hear and spend your energy on trying to stay happy and positive and more importantly building up your confidence for an interview.
    Never be 'honest' with the job centre.. they have so many rules etc that you could invariably slip up even though you have done nothing wrong.
    Keep looking for a job, just see the Job Centre as a short term measure and hopefully you will get something soon!
  • thats bad I agree, but the part about her printing out jobs i don't understand, you can access the job search yourself, it's open on the web to anyone
  • Of course they are yes, but here is the link so you can do it yourself at home https://jobseekers.direct.gov.uk/home...9a26522a&pid=3
  • Thank you for replying so quickly. I know my initial post was long to read.
    The reason I am on the dole is because I was told to leave my college course! I wish i never ever ever did now. I was two years in and half way to a degree in Performing Arts. Now I'm on the dole being treated like a piece of scum. I get the impression she thinks i'm one of the lazy ones or someone who is not intellegent. I feel judged, it's embarrassing. Especially as I didn't get to finnish my highers in school due to the anorexia at the time.
    I'd like to see her speak to one of the chav's like that. She probably only picked on me because i'm a younger female. A weak target. Plus I haven't signed on long. My dad may just be being bias when he says this but she was around 50, and quite fat with glasses. Where as I take pride in my appearence as a young female and he think's she could be either jealous or disbeliving that I need the money because I don't run around in track suit bottoms. I was wearing a coat and shoes.
    I hate this signing on rubbish. It really gets me down.
  • Why did you leave Uni? because of health reasons? Is it possible to try again this September?
  • actually I had to leave uni myself due to health problems, and caring for my son who has bipolar, so I can understand where you are coming from. I am fortunate i don't have to sign because i am a carer.
  • I would try to go back to uni if you can .
  • I will Blackpool but I have to wait until enrolement. In the meantime i'm stuck at the job centre.
  • my jc told me to apply for 3 jobs a week dont they realise everyone else will be applying too?????
  • So sorry to hear that.
    In future every day - whether you do it or not, write down any job websites you visit - even if you have not applied for any. so when you go back to the moaning old cow you can prove you have taken on board what she said and looked for work.
    in fact write down each website as a different log on each day and you'll fill the book up.
    Remember its what you have been doing to look for work not how many jobs have you applied for. Also write down the weekly papers you get - though these never have anything in them anyway.
    Chin up - It will all come good sooner rather then later
  • Her attitude does sound unreasonable but (playing Devil's Advocate) maybe you could be presenting your case better.
  • That was shocking.
    I just spoke to her supervisor! My dad got angry and demanded to speak the lady himself because he said "I was being too soft, and couldn't make a complaint to save my life!" And then he spoke as my 'representative'. He got quite heated and the poor supervisor woman said "I don't really want to get into it with your dad". But he was determined. After he got his point across he changed his tone and said "Listen, I just want to back up my daughter. Nobody wants her to get a job more than I do. She's like a lamb - she'll just take whatever you're saying and go along with it. I'm here to stand up for her and the way she was spoken to was unacceptable." Before that he was fuming though. But very diplomatic, not shouting. I understand why he is angry. But I have a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach after being involved in the phone call.
    In all fairness though. I did bottle up when she spoke to me and started trying to justify that I was looking for a job, rather than telling her that the woman who had taken me earlier was just being a plain old !!!!!.
    They're going to speak to her now. Hopefully I won't cross paths with her in future - because she'll hate me for getting her into trouble... but atleast she's been told to lay off.
    I don't really know how to feel right now.
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