06 May 2018

A question about : Handing in resignation with immediate effect, now working off the notice period ?


I have been very unhappy with my job for over 3 years now - too much horrible things have been done to me/afected me to even start writing them down here.

There is an opportunity of another job but the start dat would be very soon.

I was oroginally on 3 months notice at my current job which I believe went down to 1 month last year (downgrading).

If I was to hand in a notice with immediate effect say on Friday that it is my last day and that I am leaving - what exactly can/may happen?

I do NOT need references from them, got excellent references from other people/employers within the same organisation.

Thanks a lot if anyone can help.

Best answers:

  • The best thing to do is to speak to your employer to arrange a shorter notice period/speak to your new employer about your start date.
    If you give no notice then you are in breach of contract and your current employer could take you to court to recoup any financial loss they incurred with you leaving without notice.
    Information on breach of contract and notice can be found in the direct.gov.uk website HERE
  • The likelihood this individual will have 3 months notice still. The company may put this person on garden leave. Alternative, is to leave early without pay if negotiated.
  • I simply walked out of a rubbish job because I had another one to go to. It worked perfectly for me.
  • Firstly - Regarding the referencing - That mayhave to be done my HR regardless of who you know. It should be a generic reference, most companies dont like to give too much detail.
    If the enviroment is making you feel bad and the work situation is why you are resigning put that in your letter and state you feel there has been a breakdown and therefore you have no alternative but to leave from NOW.
    The fear of a constructive dismissal claim may make them let you go quietly, although a good employer will want to talk things through with you. If you have had a lot of time off because of sickness - Stress due to work, put that down as well.
    Some companies will report days of sickness, but if as an employer there is a possibility they have casued your stress and they have done nothing to support you or help you through it they face a risk either under the DDA or from a H & S perspective.
    Just be firm, explain your leaving as you feel its too stressful and you have no choice.
    If its really been that bad I'd seek advice then smack them with a ET1 claiming constructive dissmissal and discrimination, if appropiate Harassment. I guess it will nbever come to anything, but may make them look at how you have been treated.
    Save evidence.
  • Cathy and Pete - thank you very much for your input.
    Very much appreciated.
  • No Problem - please note however, my post was me using my experience to state how they may react and what you can do to help this preferred reaction become reality.
    You should not take it as a gaurantee this will happen - just an educated guess that it probably will .
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