02 May 2018

A question about : How do I work out my monthly pay??


I am not very good at maths and have just started a new job (NOT as an accountant). How can I work out from my annual salary (Ј7600) how much net pay I should receive monthly? My employers have already botched this months! title=Mad


Best answers:

  • Hi
    Can you post this month's figures and someone can calc it for you and work out why it would be wrong. Include the tax code.
  • If you go on the HMRC website and into the employers section it has calculators for income tax and national insurance (you'll need to do both) that are designed for employers to use, so should be right.
    (insert obvious caveat about governments and computer systems!)
  • Annual Salary = £7600
    £633.33 pcm
    £21.24 tax
    £21.28 ni
    £590.28 net
    This will change in april.
  • Thanks for the replies. Have now worked this out. Have not yet been paid for the last 5 weeks of work as employers have told me that they have had problems putting me into the system and that I will be paid something (!!!) but they didn't know how much! I just wanted to make sure that I get the full amount next month.
  • The amount you are due to pay in tax may depend on your taxable income and tax paid before you started this job. Were you working somewhere else or claiming jobseekers allowance, if so have you given a P45 to your new employer? If not have you filled in a P46 and if so which box did you tick?
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