06 May 2018

legal advise online?

A question about : legal advise online?

hi all,

does anybody know of someplace on tinternet where you can get legal advise? for free??!! or am i being silly now? i am specifically looking at employment law regarding family friendly working hours.

thanks in advance

06 May 2018

SSP and Holidays

A question about : SSP and Holidays

I'm wondering if any of you could help me?

I've been off work for a week due to a personal situation and have put a Self-Certificate Sick Note in at work.

This week I'm on holiday.

Going to the Doctors after my holiday to get a proper Sick Note.

What are my rights regarding holiday pay for this week? - will I get any, or will it be Sick Pay again?

01 May 2018

working for morrisons?

A question about : working for morrisons?

hi i have just applied for a job in my local morrisons and was just wondering what it is like to work for them? do they have staff discount and do they provide the uniform?

so if anyone works in morrisons please tell me what its like!!! title=Jumping

04 May 2018

Extra income?

A question about : Extra income?

Hello, my Brother in law (60) has been out of work for approx 10 years, when he was dismissed on ill health grounds. He gets a small amount for the industrial injury and his ill health pension, which I think is fairly basic? He has tried to find work but, with his injuries and unsucessful operations on them, he found it very difficult, and that in turn has led him to become quite depressed (my opinion) and very short tempered (everyones opinion) He has been refused IB because he has a 2 year shortfall in stamps, which he was unaware of!

04 May 2018


A question about : Cafe

Hi i want to open a cafe, but i am a total beginner, any1 got any tips on what hygiene courses i need or anything else required for setting up from scratch?

Best answers:

  • There is some information about food & hygiene legislation here. If you do a google or similar search you should have a choice of sites.
    The Health & Safety Executive website is a good place to start.
07 May 2018

Effective job hunting

A question about : Effective job hunting

Hi All,
I have decided its time to look for a new job. I was wondering if anybody had any good advice on the following...
Can anybody recommend an effective way of using the internet to search....there seem to be so many sites and so much info about. That should be a good thing but where to start??

05 May 2018

Does anyone work for ...

A question about : Does anyone work for ...

Aldi or Lidl?

The reason I ask is that Ive applied to work in one of them, and was wondering if anyone has some thoughts as to what they are like as employers? I am aware that there are some similarities between the companies, and this is why I ask for general information on them.

If you dont want to post publicly (i understand the company dont publish much information) please PM me.


Jo xx

06 May 2018

yearly income?

A question about : yearly income?

can anyone help me?
where can i get my yearly income from for tax credit purposes?
never got p60 as left work end of december
lost last payslip
any idea????????????
