03 May 2018

A question about : Finding a job following dismissal for gross misconduct


Newbie here.

Just last week, following a three week investigation I was dismissed for gross misconduct. I did something really silly (without realising it was against company rules) and after a successful four year career with my employer, including two promotions I have lost my job title=Frowntitle=Frown

Life has been very hard since this all started and I've not been in a very good place. However I need to find work and I am aware GM on my record is not exactly going to be a selling point but I would really like some advice on how to approach applications/interviews etc.


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Best answers:

  • Firstly what was it that got you fired?
  • Do you need a reference from this employer or do you have someone else?
    I was dismissed from my job for gm last year and I was devastated. I did a temp job before Xmas which meant I then had a reference from my latest employer.
    As ap says, to get proper advice, give some indication of what you did?
  • I let my OH use my business charge card for a personal purchase.
    I'm responsible for the payment of card so ex employer had no financial responsibilities but it was against company policy...yes I should have read T&Cs closer I know....believe me nobody could beat me up over this any more than I have done to myself already!!!
  • Oh and employer has stated they only give a standard reference i.e position, employment dates etc. unless position applied for is considered high risk.
  • I was there for 4 years and promoted twice.
    I was going to be honest...I've got 2 interviews next week.
  • Because it didn't ask re my reason for leaving!
    I have no idea hence me asking for advice from anyone who may have been through a similar experience....
  • Thanks for your help...made me feel so much better!!
  • Has anyone else been in this position? Anyone that can offer some advice?
    I really have been in a pit of despair since this happened :-(
  • Well, the only thing I can say is that it's possible to move forward from a GM dismissal - AP007 is being slightly judgemental with the sweeping "I wouldn't hire anyone who's been dismissed for GM"! I've been there & fortunately now managed to gain two jobs since my sacking a couple of years ago and while it's not easy it's all about perseverence.
    What I will warn you about though is the fact that as a result of a dismissal you'll likely have to take a step - likely several - backwards in a career sense. Previous promotions will essentially be wiped out in this case, especially as it's a pretty serious case, you essentially allowed a non-authorised person to use a company card for personal use afterall. I'm not saying you're doomed to a life of minimum wage, but you won't be top of the heap for a while after that sort of !!!! up, but I'm guessing you already know that.
    Best thing to do is to find some way of expressing the experiences you've gained as a result of it - the lessons you've learned from the whole thing & what steps you will take in the future to rectify them. I know I essentially broke down why I'd been sacked to the point whereby I actually agreed with it & learned from that mistake to the stage it'll never happen again. In your case this is significantly easier (or I'd hope it should be easy to see!) than mine, but it's still the same, you learn from your mistakes.
    Good luck.
  • Than you bluenose!!
    Both the jobs I am going for are much much less money than I was getting and I accept that entirely!!
    Yes I made a stupid mistake and I'm paying for it now :-( but totally accept it was my fault.
    Can I ask how you approached applications/interviews? I am worried sick at the moment as you can probably tell!
  • Hi Lakes,
    The company I worked for didn't have any union in place so no representation I afraid.
    I've not considered an appeal as I know I messed up :-(
  • Oh thank you all so much. The last few weeks have been hell and I'd convinced myself I was completely unemployable!!
    Yes Torry I have been honest with the Job Centre and will be at the interviews...just hope someone gives me a break!!
  • I was unfairly dismissed back in 2008. I could not claim anything as with them for under 6 months.
    In a nutshell, I started with 12 others and got trained up. Three or four of these started to mess with the figures, in order to get better bonuses.
    They did no proper investigation into who it was doing this. They sent each of us individually to tell we will be suspended. No reason why. Then all got dismissed 2 weeks later. I was one of the 9 or 10 that did nothing wrong. During the disciplinary we were not given the opportunity to say 'actually it was x, y and z that did all this'
    It took a few temp jobs to get back into some reality. One application form I had said 'please do not apply if you have been dismissed in the past 5 years'.
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