07 Aug 2015

Santa Clues

A question about : Santa Clues

In previous years the Reindeer have left muddy footprints in the kitchen also some brown fur and Santa left one of his large black buttons with red thread. Any other money saving clues of Father Christmas's visit?

07 Aug 2015

MoneySaving Poll: Did you go shopping-mad in the "January" sales?

A question about : MoneySaving Poll: Did you go shopping-mad in the "January" sales?

Poll started 29 December 2014

Did you go shopping-mad in the January sales?

Lots of sales started before Christmas. Many that didn’t went into full swing online from Christmas Day, and in stores from Boxing Day. Did you/will you take advantage, or are you avoiding them like the plague?

Choose the option that’s closest to your situation…

Vote in this week's poll

07 Aug 2015

New Year's resolutions that hit your wallet hard

A question about : New Year's resolutions that hit your wallet hard

We want to tap MoneySavers' collective knowledge on the most financially disastrous New Year's resolutions you've ever made. Have you entered a previous year with a gung-ho dedication to something that had a negative impact on your finances?

If you haven’t already, join the forum to reply!

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08 Aug 2015

What to get a man that has everything?

A question about : What to get a man that has everything?

Hi All

Wondered if anyone has any ideas on what i can get my dad this year for Christmas, he is a man that has EVERYTHING!! And i mean everything!!

Every year i get stuck for gifts to get him for his birthday and christmas and its usually a shirt or some alcohol which is getting really boring now!

He is a lucky git that has the money to buy anything and everything whenever he wants so buying him a gift is a nightmare as hes usually got whatever you get him anyway!

08 Aug 2015

How to get tree lights working

A question about : How to get tree lights working

Bought my first Christmas tree, a pre-lit one from homebase with 180 LED lights, the tree came in three chunks, each having a string of lights on it, there is a connector to connect the bottom lights and middle part lights, the middle and top part, and from the bottom into the plug.

First time I turned it on, the top and bottom string of lights lit up but the middle of the tree stayed dark, after fiddling with the connectors, now the bottom and middle will light but the top lights won't go on.

06 Aug 2015

How much to spend on Christmas Presents?

A question about : How much to spend on Christmas Presents?

Does anyone else struggle with what to spend on friends, family etc for Christmas Presents? This is the first year I have put all the presents I bought for each person on a spreadsheet with the cost so able to add up for each person. I budgeted for Ј1000 for Christmas - Ј700 for presents and Ј300 for extra food, drink, decorations and 1 Christmas party ticket for my work do - my husband's firm doesn't do one.

07 Aug 2015

Retro hamper for mum.... were any of you born in the 60s or 70s? Help :)

A question about : Retro hamper for mum.... were any of you born in the 60s or 70s? Help :)


I want to make my mum a hamper relating to things when she was younger. She was born in 1964. I know that she used to buy Jackie magazine, and she used to like David Cassidy as a teen but thats as far as my knowledge goes!

I dont want to ask her and ruin the suprise but can anyone else give me any idea of what she probably had as a youngster, what the trends were and what teenagers liked? Maybe chocolate bars or sweets or something?

09 Aug 2015

Ocado van damage my car..

A question about : Ocado van damage my car..
