31 Jan 2018

Work canteen purchases to come out of following month's pay packets

A question about : Work canteen purchases to come out of following month's pay packets

My employer is introducing a cashless system for our new canteen.
We were emailed the idea and asked for feedback. They plan to use our Company ID/swipe cards to pay for any purchases made in the canteen. All spends will then be taken out of the following month's pay packet.
Most feedback given was against this idea with many suggesting we use top-up cards that we can personally add money to using our debit cards instead or just use our actual debit cards.

01 Feb 2018

Today: MPs debate mental health and unemployment

A question about : Today: MPs debate mental health and unemployment

Our goal is to post up information on work undertaken in the House of Commons that has a consumer focus which may not be highlighted elsewhere.

We have posted this on the Employment, Jobseeking & Training Board because we thought some of you might be interested in the topic of debate. We encourage discussion and comments concerning the topic or content of this thread.

Mental health and unemployment– Backbench Business Debate

29 Jan 2018

Verbal job offer and acceptance

A question about : Verbal job offer and acceptance

Hi, My daughter applied and got an online Personality test, then went to 2 IVs, at the 2nd she was verbally offered the job and accepted, shook hands and was assured they'd be in contact with a date for the induction.
Today, a week later she phoned and spoke to the person from the 1st IV who said they were sorry they'd not got back to her but they'd given the job to someone else.

27 Jan 2018

How do you get to interviews when you work?

A question about : How do you get to interviews when you work?

I have an interview on a day that we are already staffed with one person less than normal (due to people leaving and someone on holiday.

I am the sole admin at the moment but looking at the rota I'm going to guess that I'll be dragged out to help in the shop (even through me being in admin is a reasonable adjustment).

I've already asked about a shift swap but was told no.

The interview can't be rescheduled to a day where we are not short staffed as we are short staffed all week!

31 Jan 2018

Featured Jobs

A question about : Featured Jobs

I recently updated my CV on Jobsite recently because I gained a new skill. I received over 150 calls from recruitment agencies in four days. I was not expecting this.

31 Jan 2018

Swedish derogation

A question about : Swedish derogation

This is a bit long but I would really appreciate if anyone could spare a bit of their day to read through. Any advice would help me a great deal. I wasn't sure how much information to provide, so apologies if this is a lot longer than it should have been.

January 2014: I started working through an agency for a company/client - 5 days a week, 8 (shift) hours a day at a warehouse. Agency staff sign in and out in a provided time-sheet.

29 Jan 2018

Advice needed on meter reading job offer

A question about : Advice needed on meter reading job offer

Hi im new to this forum and thought i could do with a little advice.
I was made redundant from my long term job in december and have been claiming job seekers allowance from early january.

27 Jan 2018

Recruitment Agencies Are Useless!!

A question about : Recruitment Agencies Are Useless!!

In my experience they are all terrible.

I have applied for many jobs advertised through recruitment agencies and every time have been ignored, brushed aside or found out the job doesn't exist after weeks of trying to get hold of them. Not once have I even been offered an interview.
