14 Jan 2018

Claiming benefits after operation

A question about : Claiming benefits after operation


I am having an operation in the summer after which will need at least six weeks off work. I am adivised not to do anything for that six weeks even filling a kettle. I will get paid from work, however I am on a low basic wage and most of my wage is commission. Would I be entitled to dla for that time? Also my daughter is at uni and plans to work in the summer holidays. Could she claim carers allowance for me and not work? Not sure if benefits are claimable for the short term. Thanks

18 Jan 2018

ESA & Car loan

A question about : ESA & Car loan

Asking for a friend, she will double check next week with the benefits helpline, but I told her I've always had great help from here.

16 Jan 2018

splitting up with partner but retaining stake in home:tax credits?

A question about : splitting up with partner but retaining stake in home:tax credits?


15 Jan 2018

freebies and discounts on benefits

A question about : freebies and discounts on benefits

hi just wante to know if anyone knows of any freebies or discounts you get when you are on benefits:
free prescriptions, 4 low energy bulbs
discounts at cinemas and theatres
discount to get a new fridge freezer
does anyone know any other discounts or freebies please?thankstitle=Wink

12 Jan 2018

benefits if ill

A question about : benefits if ill

My inlaws have recently sold their house and are waiting to buy another one and are living in their parents house. My father in law has just discovered he has problems with hisliver and at the moment is having time off work. He doesn't want to give up work and hopefully they won't lay him off but he has worked there less than 2 years so you never know. My question is whether he will be able to claim benefit if he is - the money to buy their house is in my mother in law's name as she doesn't work.


td x

14 Jan 2018

Overpaid benefit NOT

A question about : Overpaid benefit NOT

OH dear I need your help anyone who can................I'll explain as briefly as I can .

18 Jan 2018

HELP Tax Credits Again!!!

A question about : HELP Tax Credits Again!!!

16 Jan 2018

child fund

A question about : child fund

i got a letter from inland revenue(child fund) that my daughter will be issued a voucher or 250 pounds in her child fund and cant be touched until she is 18. i heard about it on working lunch on bbc2 few months back. good stuff people.
anyone else got any letters from child fund.
