18 Jan 2018

Sick to death of being scared of UC

A question about : Sick to death of being scared of UC

I am doing as much research as I can to try and figure out what the hell is going on with UC and how it will affect me, but cannot seem to find any concrete information.

I imagine a lot of people on these boards are in a similar boat to myself - self employed with a school age child. I'm also a single parent.

18 Jan 2018

Working tax credit

A question about : Working tax credit

I have been on working tax credit since September, working 16 hours a week. getting Ј182 with ctc. At the beginning of January I started working 30 hours a week, I phoned them and the lady said the amount I get weekly would go up as I had the 30 hour a week element - it went up by 15p....
I have now gone back to 16 hours a week, phoned them on Monday, told them of the change, had a payment go in today and its almost Ј20 less than what I was originally getting...

16 Jan 2018

Help with child care costs

A question about : Help with child care costs

15 Jan 2018

New Tax Free Childcare & KiddiVouchers

A question about : New Tax Free Childcare & KiddiVouchers

Hi All,

I'm aware the new Tax Free Childcare scheme is launching later this year and was wondering is anyone had any ideas if the following is possible.

Me and my wife both work (me full-time, wife part-time 3 days).

I work and pay Tax & NI and currently claim the full Ј243 in KiddiVouchers, where is my wife in below the Income Tax threshold therefore does not benefit from these).

19 Jan 2018

Anyone else not received child benefit today ?

A question about : Anyone else not received child benefit today ?

I bank with Norwich and Peterborough (Part of Yorkshire building society) and my child benefit has not gone in yet.
Just wondered if it's just me or others have the same problem ?
N&P did change their sort code a few weeks ago but existing payments didn't need to be updated because they are redirected.
I have had child benefit since the sort code update so this can't be the problem.

15 Jan 2018

jobcentre summoned me, is 'voluntary'?

A question about : jobcentre summoned me, is 'voluntary'?

I'm on ESA (and DLA, but I don't think that's being questioned here). I have received a job centre letter asking me to attend an appointment to check that my claim of ESA is correct and that my circumstances haven't changed.

It says that attendance is voluntary, but I'm wondering if it would come back to haunt me if I don't go. I only have 5 days notice and it will be hard to arrange a means of transport. Is this an importance appointment to attend?

17 Jan 2018

Query benefit fraud?

A question about : Query benefit fraud?

I am really concerned that my God-daughter is getting herself into a right mess with her life generally, but also with benefits.

To cut a very long story short, she left her family home last November after a row with her mum.she lied to a chantry to get a flat from them, saying her mum had attacked her ( she ended to be considered vulnerable and abused to qualify for the charity. She and a
Her sister are known to the police because they have had problems for years, having been adopted very young with ongoing issues.)

19 Jan 2018

benefit overpayment / deductions from wages

A question about : benefit overpayment / deductions from wages

I don't know where to begin. I recently received a letter from dwp quoting that they have contacted my employer about deductions from my wages. 15% of my weekly pay. So i called them the day I received the letter to find why.
They said I owed nearly Ј9000 in over payments in 2 yrs And I had to pay it back otherwise I will be taken to court for benifit fraud.
