19 Jan 2018

Advice on applying for benefits (successfully !)

A question about : Advice on applying for benefits (successfully !)

I am a first time poster so please accept my apologies if I inadvertantly infringe forum rules or protocols etc. I've no intention to cause offence.

My reason for posting is as follows:- I thought I would make an appointment this Monday to see someone from Social Services. We are thinking of applying for the 'PIP' (formerly DLA I believe) together with any other entitlements.

17 Jan 2018

Will claiming carers allowance stop attendance allowance

A question about : Will claiming carers allowance stop attendance allowance

My father, 86, has been claiming attendance allowance as he can no longer drive and needs to use taxis etc to get around. He has deteriorated recently and is needing far more support. If I claim carers allowance for him will he lose his attendance allowance (Ј55 a week). Sorry - I'm new to all this as I've never claimed benefits

Best answers:

    20 Jan 2018

    National Insurance

    A question about : National Insurance


    Im not sure if this is the right forum.

    I am charged NI at a rate of 12% but can you tell me how to work it out as in 12% Of what.

    if i do 12% of my gross Pay from last month it does not give me the same figure that is on my pay slip.

    many thanks


    16 Jan 2018

    Working Tax Credits

    A question about : Working Tax Credits

    I currently receive Working Tax Credits, not much about Ј50 a month. I still live with parents but next month I am due to get my own place which will significantly increase my outgoings leaving less to live on. Am I right in thinking Working Tax Credits are calculated based on your income rather than your living situation?
    I was told I could receive more when I inform them of my situation but I'm not sure.
    If anyone can shed any light on this that would be great.

    Best answers:

      15 Jan 2018

      DWP done deductions from earnings without contacting us help

      A question about : DWP done deductions from earnings without contacting us help

      My husband got paid today and received Ј20 less in his weekly wage and didnt know why. When he questioned his work they said it was because of a deductions from earnings as instructed by the DWP and gave him the contact details for them as he knew nothing about it.

      14 Jan 2018

      work from home tax expenses

      A question about : work from home tax expenses

      my wife has got all the kids in school now and wants to start some work again. She has just got a PA job part-time job, self-employed from home. She will be working 4 hours a day and earning approx Ј900 per month but it will vary as she might have some bonuses but equally hols and off sick, she will not be paid, so we estimate an annual income of Ј9500-11000. It is may or may not be over the tax threshold, and we will only know at the end of the year. Also there is national insurance payment, which is 9% over approx 7500 profit.

      14 Jan 2018

      Broken ankle

      A question about : Broken ankle

      (Mods: Please move if this is in the wrong section)

      I broke my ankle and will be on crutches for the next 6-8 weeks at least.

      I was treated by the NHS and am back at work now.

      My workplace is only a 10 minute drive away but because of my injury I'm not able to drive so I have to now rely on the buses and / or taxis to commute to work.

      16 Jan 2018

      From ZERO Atos points to WRAG upon appeal

      A question about : From ZERO Atos points to WRAG upon appeal

      Hi Folks

      Just wanted to offer encouragement to anyone who basically got shafted by Atos at their WCA.

      I got ZERO points which after MR stayed at ZERO, with me struggling to fulfil JSA conditions & with JCP staff who don't know their own rules re claimants appeals of ESA getting appeals rate ESA.title=EEK!
