16 Jan 2018

A question about : splitting up with partner but retaining stake in home:tax credits?


I'm possibly trying to do something a bit crazy. I would like to move out of the family (owned) home with my daughter, but want her dad to be able to stay in the flat and pay the mortgage, while I retain a stake in the house as he can't buy me out. (We are on very good terms). I would be renting another place. Would I still be eligible for working/childcare tax credits? Also, does anyone have any idea when Universal Credit is coming in? I know I wouldn't be eligible for that so even if I get tax credits my days on them will be numbered. Thanks in advance.

Best answers:

  • It won't affect your claim for working and child tax credits, nor for child benefit. However any equity in the property will be counted as your capital when applying for housing benefit and council tax benefit, and will reduce your claim if over Ј6000 and eliminate it if over Ј16000.
    You should be able to get your name taken off the deeds while still being on the mortgage, though of course you would be relinquishing any legal claim to your equity.
    When UC comes in depends on which area of the country you live in.
  • you can't 'give away' assets in order to remain eligible for benefit
  • thats a totally different thing though.
    a court ordering a property be given to one person isn't the same as someone deciding to hand it over in order to qualify for benefit
  • For some reason I was thinking divorce here....but rereading the OP there's no indication that they are married.
  • Thanks Everyone.
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