17 Jan 2018

what would happen please if?

A question about : what would happen please if?


I claimed WTC and then my self employed hours dropped to below 16 hours per week? or is it done on an average of how many hours? ie as long as the average over the time is 16 hours is that ok?


16 Jan 2018

Support for Mortgage Interest Discussion Area

A question about : Support for Mortgage Interest Discussion Area


This threads specifically for discussing the Support for Mortgage Interest benefit, available to homeowners struggling to repay the mortgage.

Read the Support for Mortgage Interest section
of the full Mortgage Arrears Help Guide

Click reply to discuss this.

12 Jan 2018

Losing 1400 when partner moves in

A question about : Losing 1400 when partner moves in

im currently living alone with my 3 children. i work part time and am in reciept of ctc wtc housing and council tax benefit. i also recieve cb.
ive been with my partner for 4 years and he is going to move in with me on the 1st june.
we sat down and did the tax credit online calculator and to my horror i will lose a significant amount of my income. i earn 5200 a year and my partner 27000. dont get me wrong i know combined that is a good amount of money.

11 Jan 2018

Child tax credit limit reduced to Ј26,000

A question about : Child tax credit limit reduced to Ј26,000

This is the discussion thread for the following MSE News Story:

About a million letters with wrong information on child tax credits have been sent, which could put off claimants ...

Read the full story:
HMRC sends wrong benefits warning to 1m families

Back to original post...

11 Jan 2018

widow at 67

A question about : widow at 67

my mum has just become a widow at the age of 67, her husband was 89. she was already receiving a small reduction in her housing benefit and i have contacted them. i have also contacted the council tax dept for her 25% as lone person living in property. she receives state pension already. her husband has left enough to bury himself and give small sums to family..... is there anything else i have forgot, that she may be able to apply for?

11 Jan 2018

DLA Troubles

A question about : DLA Troubles

Hi everyone,

I'm new to the forum in regards to posting but I've browsed the site and forum many many times over the years but now I'd like a bit of advice.

I applied for DLA in December, a few months ago an ATOS doctor visited me and lied on his report, he wrote that I am the cause of my own disease and that I choose to live a disabled lifestyle, he also lied about the medication I take (he said I rarely take it) so I sent them in a photocopied repeat prescription form which clearly showed how often I take my medication.

16 Jan 2018

ESA Medical

A question about : ESA Medical

My OH received his second ESA50 form a couple of weeks ago. We completed it almost immediately and sent it straight back - his health has actually deteriorated since his original medical assessment six months ago.

I thought they just might bypass the ATOS medical this time and leave him for a few more months, but no, the appointment came today for two weeks time.

17 Jan 2018

please help 16 and pregnant

A question about : please help 16 and pregnant

Desperately worried about my daughter. My daughter finished her gcse on Friday and is 16 she has the implant but was feeling sick a lot so I suggested just to be sure she did a pregnancy test. Her bf is 19 I won’t let her see him unsupervised but i work full time and couldn’t be sure that when im at work and she is at home in school holidays and when she goes to college that she wouldn’t see him and I was concerned that she may get pregnant.
