15 Jan 2018

A question about : freebies and discounts on benefits

hi just wante to know if anyone knows of any freebies or discounts you get when you are on benefits:
free prescriptions, 4 low energy bulbs
discounts at cinemas and theatres
discount to get a new fridge freezer
does anyone know any other discounts or freebies please?thankstitle=Wink

Best answers:

  • There's a whole load of things in the 'Money saving for carers' thread. That is mainly to do with DLA / carers allowance benefits etc so it depends on what sort of benefit some-one is on.
  • Worth checking out with local council if they have any schemes for reduced or free home insulation.
    Some local authorities also offer reduced/free access to council run leisure centres for swimming & gym.
    Free dental care on some benefits oh & eye tests and vouchers towards glasses.
    refund of cost of travelling to hospital again on some benefits.
    Free school dinners and uniform allowance, strict criteria for uniform allowance, usually a small amount for first year of secondary school.
    Free/reduced costs of course at college & university
  • where is the moneysaving for carers thread? cannot find it....
  • It is HERE
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