17 Jan 2018

whats the maximum you can earn for WTC?

A question about : whats the maximum you can earn for WTC?


does anyone know what the maximum you can earn for self employed work to get CTC and WTC? And if thats gross or net profit?


13 Jan 2018

Incapacity benefit, esa assessment!

A question about : Incapacity benefit, esa assessment!

I am on IB long term after a back operation went wrong, I now have to attend a medical assessment at ATOS because of the new ESA benefit. If they pass me fit to work what happens with my benefits (sorry if that is a dumb question) I know I have the right to appeal but I was wondering what happens if an appeal fails.

14 Jan 2018

housing benefit, WTC and fluctuating income

A question about : housing benefit, WTC and fluctuating income

Can anyone give me advice? I seem to have letters telling me I have overpayments on housing benefit and working tax credit.

11 Jan 2018

please can someone help me with this...

A question about : please can someone help me with this...

Hi there

I hope this is the right forum - i need to do a self employed summary of accounts (as Ive been trading under 6 months) for my DWP appoitnment next monday for council tax benefit etc - can anyone help me please?

I dont know what I have to put or anything! I dont have a clue where to start!

12 Jan 2018

Interview Under Caution for Benefit Fraud investigation

A question about : Interview Under Caution for Benefit Fraud investigation

Post deleted.

13 Jan 2018

eviction looming

A question about : eviction looming


I have never posted on this site before, but I just didn't know where else to look.

I am 23 and have a grand debt total of Ј15,000 partially due to being out of work for a period of time last year and partially due to my partner leaving me.

14 Jan 2018

does this sound right pls???

A question about : does this sound right pls???


we have been recieving child tax credit of Ј9 a week when my husband was living here. I have updated them and made New claim for TWC and CTC as we have seperated and Im now a single mum. Today I got a notice about our OLD award saying we have paid too much and owe Ј30, but the new award is currently still being processed - so Im assuming they run as totally seperate awards and we have been overpaid on the joint one because its till end of 2005 and we never made it that far - am I on the right lines here?

16 Jan 2018

Council move, not entitled to HB and running up huge debts!

A question about : Council move, not entitled to HB and running up huge debts!


My family and I (10 week old baby, 3yr old and partner) were moved out of our council house by the police and the council due to severe harrassment and threats from our neighbour.

Initially we were put in a B&B and are now in a temporary accomodation flat while we are relocated.
