12 Jan 2018

A question about : benefits if ill

My inlaws have recently sold their house and are waiting to buy another one and are living in their parents house. My father in law has just discovered he has problems with hisliver and at the moment is having time off work. He doesn't want to give up work and hopefully they won't lay him off but he has worked there less than 2 years so you never know. My question is whether he will be able to claim benefit if he is - the money to buy their house is in my mother in law's name as she doesn't work.


td x

Best answers:

  • Hi td,
    This thread might be of interest to you, it has some info re "deprivation of capital" which could be a question raised in this situation.
    Sudden riches
    It's a bit of a strange one in that they are in between houses. Are they actively looking for a house? Is their parents' house overcrowded with them there?
  • Benefits: a concise guide to benefits, pensions and tax credits, A guide (MG1) will give a brief overview of the benefit system.
    More details here dwp website
    The point you need to understand is the first benefits to which he would be entitled, Incapacity Benefit and Disability Living Allowance are not means tested therefore the question of Capital and Savings is irrelevant.
  • I believe that the interest that they will presently be earning on the money they have from the house they sold will count as income though. (For income related benefits.)
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