19 Jan 2018

Incapacity ben. to income support???

A question about : Incapacity ben. to income support???

when I was awarded incapacity benefit I had "too much" money (lol) to qualify for free precriptions or help with my rates.
Now that I have spent all my money on paying my rates and prescriptions ( title=Frown) I wonder if it possible to swap to income support so that I get those benefits too - I am really feeling the pinch now.....
Can anyone advise me on the best course of action?
thank you.

17 Jan 2018

Tax Credits and DLA

A question about : Tax Credits and DLA

16 Jan 2018

Direct Payments (from local councils)

A question about : Direct Payments (from local councils)


Has anyone had much experience with direct payments made to (disabled) individuals from their local council to pay for the help they need?

13 Jan 2018

Benefits overpayment?

A question about : Benefits overpayment?

I was having a bit of problem understanding my benefits entitlement so i asked a friend to help go through all my benafits with me. She found that we are pretty sure they have been overpaying me by about Ј50 a week for about 5 months now. My question is, do I have to tell them and do i have to pay this back?

14 Jan 2018

Watchdog and Tax Credit

A question about : Watchdog and Tax Credit

Has anyone written to Watchdog about problems with Tax credit? We have been advised to do so but I seem to remember the IR penalising a woman for talking to the media last year and am worried that the same thing could happen to us.

Best answers:

    18 Jan 2018

    Need help please

    A question about : Need help please

    My father sadly passed away 2 years ago, suffering from Cancer, aged 45.

    My mother is only 46 years of age and have 4 children (aged 24,23,20,19)

    My mother is unable to work because she is suffering from Depression.

    Currently getting Income support which is about Ј50 a week.

    What other claims is my mother entitled to such as Widow allowance?

    And is depression is considered as a Disability?

    My youngest brother looks after my mother what is he entitled to?

    Hope to hear from you all.

    19 Jan 2018

    Working tax credit

    A question about : Working tax credit

    When I recieved the old style working tax credit(Family Tax Credit) because I worked 30 hours a week I recieved a Ј10 bonus in my money.Does anyone know if this has changed now it is Working Tax Credit, from my last WTC award notice my hours haven't changed but I don't think I still get this Ј10 extra.

    12 Jan 2018

    Im sure its been asked before.......

    A question about : Im sure its been asked before.......

    ......but I cant seem to find the answer!!

    Just had a new baby. Ive read something about that nice Mr Blair setting up baby bonds? About Ј500 that cant be touched till the little ones are 18 but can be topped up by parents? Does anyone have any idea where I could get some more info about this? I think they were introduced in April `02 as I seem to remember my eldest child just missed out!

    Any help much appreciated, sorry if there is a really obvious thread about this - I have looked - honest!!

