14 Jan 2018

A question about : Claiming benefits after operation


I am having an operation in the summer after which will need at least six weeks off work. I am adivised not to do anything for that six weeks even filling a kettle. I will get paid from work, however I am on a low basic wage and most of my wage is commission. Would I be entitled to dla for that time? Also my daughter is at uni and plans to work in the summer holidays. Could she claim carers allowance for me and not work? Not sure if benefits are claimable for the short term. Thanks

Best answers:

  • PIP is not appropriate.
    ESA might be appropriate if you are not eligible for statutory sick pay from your employer.
    Housing benefit, and council tax support are a possibility - depending on your circumstances or income.
    There is no hope of getting carers allowance due to the fact that you need to be ill for 9 months in the future for PIP to be awarded.
  • Thanks for replying. It is as thought I would not be elgible for anything. Will be getting my small basic wage. Live in my own mortgaged property so no housing benefit. Just going to be a real struggle not lifting a finger for six weeks! Will have to work extra hours beforehand to tide me over.
  • Speak to your mortgage provider, maybe a payment holiday can be arranged.
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