08 May 2018

A question about : Job Fears: I am about to become part of the working poor?

Hi, this week I was given the opportunity by A4E to get an interview with a woman who owns a gymnasium. I have always wanted to work in a gym, and I am qualified to do basic fitness stuff. The pre-interview stage (an informal interview) starts on Tuesday with another interview later on in the week. I suspect I am not the only candidate given this opportunity.

But this job is minimum wage and is not local; a bus ride and a train ride there and back. It looks like an early start which means I will probably have to walk (not good if you have to conserve energy to work in fitness) instead of catching the bus.

So, I am worried about finances mostly. I want to work, but I'm worried about becoming the working poor. I don't have a job at present but I do have stability. I have been out of work for 2 years now owing to a medical condition and owing to the fact that the company I worked for went bust. I pay no rent which is Ј100 per week. I pay no council tax either.

After an inwork calculation on 35 hours per week I am told I would be better of Ј30 per week, which doesn't give me much insentive. The working tax credit, which would bump it up, would only last a couple of months, I am told.

When I was working in 1992 doing around 30 hours per week I was able to afford driving lessons and ready to buy my first car (I did not get it in the end), a nice flat, and a holiday every year. I think now that seems less likely.

I am about to join the working poor, I think.

Unless I can think of ways to make this job pay. Just seems all so pointless. I wouldn't mind doing this job voluntarily and A4E could pay my transport costs. They won't do that, because they want me in full time work.

My option would be to move to where the job is but I do not think I could afford to move because I have debts with a housing association. I could go private but I am already in a private tenancy and there's a chance it would be expensive as it is where I am now. I would save on transport costs but not much.

I just wish they would make the minimum wage to Ј9 per hour or something. Make things worthwhile.

Any advice on this difficult issue? title=Top

Best answers:

  • It's always difficult starting work when you're not on much more than your benefits, suddenly quite a few things are taken away from you and everything seems more expensive. I now do some hours of freelance work which covers my JSA so I was able to sign off, but I miss out on other things, for example last week I had two prescriptions I had to pay for so then you realise that means you have to cut back on something else to fork out Ј14+, so I know how you feel. However if you are in work you might find it easier to find more work, and you might be able to make a career out of it. Could you do fitness training, and then build up your own network of clients? Could you put this on your CV and try for other, more well paid jobs? I have found that since having a few freelance clients I have been recommended and gained more work that way, and that's really helped with self esteem. I would go for the job and see what happens, you might find that you either get the job and love it and it improves self worth, or you don't get the job in which case you no longer have to worry anymore.
    I recently had a job come up that I wanted but the journey was horrendous, it was two hours on an old bus that went once an hour and I ended up feeling sick by the time I got there for the interview. I couldn't have done that twice a day. I didn't get the job but I got good feedback from it, and was glad I went for it.
    I also wonder whether there might be a part of you that feels it would be easier to not be working, regardless of the money? That's certainly how I felt, and I think a lot of people do who are on benefits.
  • Could you do this job and get a little part time job in a bar/restaurant near where you live 1 or two nights a week/weekend.
    It would help you to be in the working/better off category.
  • You've basically said it yourself - it's your dream job. It's what you've always wanted to do, it is highly competitive, and your experience is limited. How many other gyms are going to even offer you an interview? Are they queuing up for you? No? Well in that case if you want a shot at your dream (bearing in mind you haven't even been offered the job) then you are going to have to make some hard choices. You may not be a lot better off - but you will be better off - and how will you get the better jobs if you can't get experience, and hopefully some better training?
  • Hey......
    If you don't want the job due to financial restrictions it would place upon your life then just give a very poor interview and have a conversation about how poor you found the public transport while travelling to the interview ..... I made sure I set off hrs earlier than needed you just cant trust public transport can you!!!???
  • Hi Martyn
    Will you always have stability without a job? The longer you are out of work the harder it will be to get a job. There is nothing wrong with being in the 'working poor' class.
    My advice would be that if you will enjoy working in the gym then take thejob if you are offered it. If you think you'll be happier in you're current stable lifestyle then don't.
    Also something to consider, will the job always be min wage? There may be opportunities to progress that you will never know unless you try it.
  • How far exactly it is?
    If its a cycling distance you could always get a road bike and these can go really fast.
    One of the staff of my local bike shop used to cycle 120 miles in total to work and back every day. Thats a lot, but even an unfit person can easily do 10 miles there and back without suffering. I'd do this instead of paying extortionate bus and train fares.
  • ^^ really, Ska lover? You really didn't know that there are people on benefits that want to stay on benefits instead of going to work? What country have you been living in?
    OP you need to think about this carefully. This isn't just about the money, you will have more social contact and the opportunity to broaden your skills base, which may lead to progression. We all have to start somewhere.
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