08 May 2018

A question about : You can refuse the Work Programme

If you do not wish your data to be used by these third party providers you can refuse to sign the consent form at your initial appointment, withouth being sanctioned. This website will give you more information: www.workprogramme.org.uk

A4E already lost about 24,000 personal details of their customers last year.

Best answers:

  • so I have my meeting this Friday about the Work Programme and if I hand in that letter I do not have to go to a 'provider'?
  • Why would you want to refuse to do it OP,
  • the problem with this idea is would you really trust a website that it works with no come back.
  • If the Work programme providers were legally entitled to use your data they wouldnt ask you to sign a form giving consent before you even start.
    Without your permission to use your data they cannot do so, and they cannot sanction you.
    Just go to the site and send out the required letters after you have had your jobcentre interview about being referred to the work programme.
    If you dont, you'll spend the next two years being sent for any slave labour job.
  • Providers can be reported to the ICO for using your data without your permission.
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