19 Jan 2018

A question about : Working tax credit

When I recieved the old style working tax credit(Family Tax Credit) because I worked 30 hours a week I recieved a Ј10 bonus in my money.Does anyone know if this has changed now it is Working Tax Credit, from my last WTC award notice my hours haven't changed but I don't think I still get this Ј10 extra.

Best answers:

  • Sanchez,
    It sounds like you need to check your claim if you think it might be wrong. You should get extra for 30 hours plus. You could take your income details in for the tax year 2003-4 into a CAB or other welfare benefits advice centre and ask them to do a calculation for you. Also details of increase or decrease in income of Ј2,500 per year if that has happened.
  • Thank you for your help, I think I will get down to the CAB & let them sort it out for me.Once again thanks for your advice.
  • why not just pop in the tax office....... they can calculate it for you correctly and even make a payment there and then under certain circumstances-any payments they make to you in person are deducted from your overall award. If you go to the Citizens advice bureaux they will be able to help you calculate it but only the Inland Revenue will pay it to you!
  • Cheers for the advice Sarahlouise, I didn't realise you could go in there & do that! regards Sanchez
  • Re: Same Day payments
    They no longer do this. They used to give Emergence Payments at local Inland Revenue Contact Centres (IRECs), but stopped after the first year. Before December31st 2003 you would be told that the manual payment you had received would be recovered later in your award. After 31st Dec 2003 you would have signed a declaration stating that you understood this.
    RE 30 hour plus credit:
    If you work for 30 hours or more (individually or combined with your partner) you will be awarded an extra element in your working tax credit.
    RE CAB:
    DON'T go to a CAB. They give out th wrong advice and mislead people. So do a lot so called "Benefits Experts". If you need advice then ring the helpline number.
    RE: Increase and Decrease
    You must tell us if your income is to rise by Ј2500.00 or more, or if it falls by Ј500.00 or more. Do not tell us unless this happens, as once you tell us, you need to tell us of every increase or decrease, wthere it's Ј1.00 or Ј1000.00 either way and you awards will be altered each time, and you could end up with loads of award notices.
  • Hi Taxcredits
    Re: The increase and decrease of wages. I know you are not required to let them know unless your wage increases more than Ј2,500 (as it says on form) but I once did a thread and there was a link on it that gave people an idea of how much CTC they could receive in relation to their income.
    From what I recall the income chart went up in Ј5,000 brackets and showed amounts for having 1,2 or 3 kids (I can't get into it to check ).
    I am aware that your award notice runs from one tax year to another.(April 6th i beleive)
    So my question is this suppose some one gets a pay rise of Ј2,400 in May he is not actually required to let CTC know but surely the following year when he/she is re-assessed they may have spent the previous year getting a higher amount than they should have?
    Though it doesn't apply in my case i would be more tempted to tell of every wage adjustment regardless of how much paperwork is sent.
  • Spendless
    You are allowed to earn up to Ј2500 extra in-year without losing any money. So when you renew, you won't lose the money you have already received in 2003/04, but the extra income will be taken into account (and you will get a lower award) for the next year, 2004/05.
    So you will have been overpaid to some degree in the period April 2004 until you send back your annual return, but that will just result in a lower award for the remainder of the year.
  • Bump for Lozz
  • The Adjudicator's Office Inland Revenue Case summary 1 Overpayment of tax credits - Code of Practice 26
    Should be read and acted upon by everyone arguing the toss with the incompetent Inland Revenue Tax Credit office.
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