18 Jan 2018

A question about : Need help please

My father sadly passed away 2 years ago, suffering from Cancer, aged 45.

My mother is only 46 years of age and have 4 children (aged 24,23,20,19)

My mother is unable to work because she is suffering from Depression.

Currently getting Income support which is about Ј50 a week.

What other claims is my mother entitled to such as Widow allowance?

And is depression is considered as a Disability?

My youngest brother looks after my mother what is he entitled to?

Hope to hear from you all.


Best answers:

  • Not exactly a calculator but you should, if you answer the questions carefully be able to work out if a DLA claim is viable here Benefits and Work DLA Mental Health checklist
    To confirm those results doublecheck here Benefitsnow dla checklist
    Depression is a treatable condition and while many of us have to learn to live with it rather than saying we have been cured, it isn't something which should go untreated. Antidepressants are shown to be effective in controlling depression in around one third of cases with partial success in another third, but are ineffective in the remaining third. So if you mum has tried with antidepressants and failed other options should be considered. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy has been shown to be effective and is definitely worth a try as is the use of Supplement such as Omega 3 and Carnitine both of which have been shown to stabilise mood and reduce fatigue. ZIPVIT for Omega Juice [the highest/cheapest source of EPA I know and cheap Carnitine also. If you mum is always worse Xmas/New Year it may also be worth trying a lightbox. However she should be encouraged to seek further professional help as life can be worth living again even though when depressed one always believes there is no light at the end of the tunnel.
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