12 Jan 2018

A question about : Im sure its been asked before.......

......but I cant seem to find the answer!!

Just had a new baby. Ive read something about that nice Mr Blair setting up baby bonds? About Ј500 that cant be touched till the little ones are 18 but can be topped up by parents? Does anyone have any idea where I could get some more info about this? I think they were introduced in April `02 as I seem to remember my eldest child just missed out!

Any help much appreciated, sorry if there is a really obvious thread about this - I have looked - honest!!


Best answers:

  • They are for babies born on or after September 1st 2002.
    My youngest qualifies also, i heard on the news the other day that we should be receiving this in the New Year
  • I thought you had to apply for these.......im sure i read there was a bit of a problem with people applying for these because it wasnt clear where to go to apply. Has anyone actually applied for or got one of these baby bonds?
  • no - I remembered it was Gordan Brown talking on This Morning about them he said that anyone with a child that qualifies would be contacted in the new year with the Ј250 voucher which you could take to a bank,bs, participating in the scheme, if you don't do anything with the voucher the government will invest on your behalf.
    Don't worry nothing has come out yet - you've not missed out - my own daughter is eligible and i haven't received anything yet
  • Ok thanks very much spendless. I guess I`ll have to wait for the new year.
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