29 Jan 2018

A question about : Verbal job offer and acceptance

Hi, My daughter applied and got an online Personality test, then went to 2 IVs, at the 2nd she was verbally offered the job and accepted, shook hands and was assured they'd be in contact with a date for the induction.
Today, a week later she phoned and spoke to the person from the 1st IV who said they were sorry they'd not got back to her but they'd given the job to someone else.
Daughter explained she'd been offered and accepted the job verbally and had been waiting for a date for induction, to which the guy said they'd have to have a discussion and he'd get back to her in 5 minutes. After 1.5 hrs she ranga gain to be told he was in a meeting, Since phone twice and asked for both of the Interviewers - told they are in a meeting.

Help please - what can we do?

Best answers:

  • Sadly all your daughter can do it put it down to experience. I had exactly the same experience many years ago. Told at the interview that the job was mine and papers would be sent in a couple of days - nothing arrived. Phone, received apology - hold up in HR. Another week and still nothing so called the guy again - in a meeting will call back - no call. Finally called HR who said the job had been filled internally.
    Funnily enough I actually did get a job at the same company a few months later and bumped into the guy from the interview. I just looked at him, he went scarlet and scarpered!
  • What horrible treatment, they should be ashamed of themselves. However devasted your daughter might feel, I would feel she had a lucky escape. Would she really want to work for people who show so little respect to members of their staff?
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