27 Jan 2018

A question about : How do you get to interviews when you work?

I have an interview on a day that we are already staffed with one person less than normal (due to people leaving and someone on holiday.

I am the sole admin at the moment but looking at the rota I'm going to guess that I'll be dragged out to help in the shop (even through me being in admin is a reasonable adjustment).

I've already asked about a shift swap but was told no.

The interview can't be rescheduled to a day where we are not short staffed as we are short staffed all week!

I am tempted to throw a sickie, my boss is making work unbearable and expecting me to complete all of the admin (which is a full time role) even in weeks where I am on the shop floor for 2 or 3 days!

Best answers:

  • Can't you try and reschedule the interview?
  • This is the age-old question of jobseeking.
    Generally you should take the day off or if you can't make it then sometimes you have to let some opportunities go.
    However at the end of the day you have to look after yourself (your employer won't!) so if your employer is treating you badly you might decide that taking sick leave is worth it.
  • This is where the old statement "you get offered jobs if you're already in one, so take up that cr4p job and continue to look for a better one" is flawed. The reality is that interview times/dates are usually just given to you in a letter - and if you try to change it you're told "it's that or nothing".... and you can't get time off your current job on the time/date the interview is.
    It's a bummer.
  • Personal appointment - less trouble then sickie, because you do have to consider if you are unsuccessful
    Any wiggle room with using lunch and breaks?
    Urgh this reminds me I have a telephone interview coming up that I need to work out my move, more time off or shall I be late to work.. or take an extended toilet break god it is a dilemma, is it me or when you are employed interviews offered are at like the worst times ever
  • Sorry I'm on my phone so can't quote.
    On any normal week I could reschedule but there isn't any day where we aren't short staffed that week due to holidays/long term sick/chronic understaffing in general.
    Our managers policy is no half days so I can't even offer that or she will just go off on one! I couldn't do it in a lunch hour as we only get 30 mins and the interview is in another town and I can't drive.
  • You've looked at every option, you really want a chance to that job, you just have to do it. I've done it once and really hated doing so as it goes against all my principles but the prospect of giving up on the perfect opportunity to remain with a job that offered no security was stronger. I did get the job and have no regrets. I think my old boss got over it very quickly (not sure if he suspected or not, but he never said anything and wished me good luck in the new post).
  • What time is the interview? If it is in the afternoon, could you not turn up in the morning, then keep dashing to the loo, then have to go home with a nasty case of diarrhoea?
    Or if in the morning, phone in sick with the squits, then come back after the interview saying you feel much better now the immodium has worked.
  • Unpaid leave. That will give them the opportunity to cover your shift with another body at no cost to them.
    Either that or choose between sick and loosing the interview.
  • Some good advice on this one but basically put Yourself first and look out for number one.
  • I couldn't go for unpaid leave in advance and letting them get someone else in as we are so short staffed there isn't anyone to cover it. The only person who isn't in and isn't sick/on holiday is travelling to a work related course down south.
  • What would happen if you took ill, or needed to deal with debt...that you only can during work hours (God forgive me)
    I gave up a job interview last week, sat at work bored not knowing if any minute I will be served notice... To only see the job of missed interview re-advertised this weekend
    Don't let it be you
    Call sick and hope for the best x
  • Long-shot, but sometimes, I see candidates being interviewed in hotel bars etc - if the company where you've applied really really wants you, is there any chance you could arrange to meet someone near your workplace before/after your working hours if you explain how hard it will be to get to an interview with them?
    OTOH, if you don't drive, how would you travel there if you get the job? Are the buses reliable? You'll have to be ready to reassure them on that at interview if you've had to plead a special case for the interview.
    Stupid of your employer not to offer half-days. They should realise it enables employees to take the minimum time off when there are staff shortages.
    To minimise the need to lie, can you schedule something "urgent" like a bank/doctor appointment that you genuinely need so that you attend that right before/after your interview?
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