01 May 2018

A question about : working for morrisons?

hi i have just applied for a job in my local morrisons and was just wondering what it is like to work for them? do they have staff discount and do they provide the uniform?

so if anyone works in morrisons please tell me what its like!!! title=Jumping

Best answers:

  • I'm currently waiting for a start date. You will first sit an easy test and then if you pass that (which you will) you go back for an interview. They provide you with a uniform, but for ladys if you want to wear trousers you have to get them yourself. I think if i remember you do get staff discounts, but you will be told this at your interview
  • I work for Morrisons "down south".
    They provide most of your uniform. You have to wear your own black/navy trousers and shoes.
    The discount is pants. You get 13.5% of Home and Leisure products but instead of getting it off at the till, you have to save the receipts and get it back quarterly. Lots of effort for a maximum of Ј25 quid.
    You do get a subsidised canteen which will provide you with a good meal for Ј1-1.50.
    As for what its like to work for, I suppose it varies from store to store. I've been working their for 7 years now, so qualify for profit share, christmas bonus and 31 days holiday.
    If you really want to know what its like have a look here:
    But take a lot of what is said with a pinch of salt.
  • When I went for my morrisson's interview the pay was really poor (I wasn't yet 21). I got a job at Sainsburys where you get ok money, 10 - 15% discount and I get quite good holidays. This year I have got just under 12 weeks off and I have a 12 hour pw contract.
  • They will call you in to sit an easy maths test..it's like working out how to deduct for discounts and savings. I can't really explain it maybe one of the others can but it's really quite easy, if you know your maths you'll pass that. Also you do a customer care test which will ask you things like what would you do if you get an angry customer approach you or what would you do if you put aside an item for a mate and a customer asks you if there are any left of that item what would you do..easy stuff like that..I'm no good at explaining on paper sorry,,,but hopefully you will get what i mean In all the whole test is about 20 mins...
    Good luck though
  • I use to work (until the week before last) in my local safeways - turning - into -a-Morrisons. We didn't get any staff discount, apart from papers, cds, dvds and non-food items, None of which I buy
    We got a green shirt and a red jacket but had to provide the bottem half ourselfs. The maths test is just adding up a few items and what is 10% of 100. Silly things like that.
    Good Luck with your new job!
  • It's all done on paper They just sit and wait..although you do have to complete within a time..
  • so once youve done that do they ask u back for another interview? and do they tell you at the interview whether you have got the job or not?
  • Once you have finished the tests they phone or write to you if you have been successful and call you back for an interview. They just ask you a few questions and then they say they will let you know via a letter or phone call if you have been successfull. I am still waiting after 2 weeks for my job offer..I got a letter saying they are still considering my application..
  • sorry to keep bothering you but what sort of questions do they ask you?
  • Oh about your hobbies and interests..why you want to work for morrisons, that sort of thing although thats obvious God knows why they want to know what your hobbies are..they won't ask you difficult questions don't worry it's a piece of cake
  • what did you say why you wanted to work for morrisons? its a bit of a stupid question really because i only want to work for them because i want the money, obviously but i can't really say that can i?
  • Thats what we all apply to jobs for, silly isn't it? I just said It would be an honour to work for the 4th largest Supermarket I also said about wanting to step up the letter and aim for promotional opportunities..just research about Morrisons and go from there....
  • thanks for your help and advice good luck with your job!!!!
  • Your welcome anytime
  • Hi guys reading this with interest and just visited that forum (invision) can't beleive why anyone would want to work for Morrisons at all! I work for tesco and the benefits and discounts are exellent in comparison
  • Maybe it's because with Tesco and Sainsburys there are no jobs going..They didn't even ask me to an interview, Morrisons did..if you need a job what else can you do, plus you can work flexi hours.. :confused:
  • i'm only young and haven't had a job before so i just want to get some experience and then hopefully change to asdas george clothing as there is one opening up near me at the end of the year.the only problem is i'm a very quite person and i get so nervous when going to interviews.
    as i haven't had any experience they are more likely to turn me down. if they did offer me the job do they train you in store or do you have to go to a training centre somewhere?
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