05 May 2018

A question about : just been sacked for theft in retail

i have just been sacked by one of the big names on the high street i wont name them,my question is although they had no evidence whatsoeva it was my word against a manager they dismissed me for Ј180 pounds which was missing,they blamed me for the missing money out of a till the first time any money was missing and i have been doing the tills ten years working in the cash office,the manager said to me its different in retail and that they dont have to prove this(that i stole the money),anyone know if this is correct,seems i am being blamed for something i havent done that they need no evidence and can do this to just about any employee

Best answers:

  • They are correct.
    They don't need to prove anything; just based on probability.
    If it was your till and balance before and after the shift and money of this was level possible.
    What exactly are they alleging?
  • Was it Lush?
  • have you got an appeal and how long have you worked there?
    They have to have reasonable proof but if the till has been used by more than one person then there should be some doubt.
  • Did anyone else have access to the safe?
    If it has been confirmed as present at night and was missing the next day and you where the only one with access then its probably justifiable. Does the manager have any proof it was present such as records or similar at night? If not then the case might exist you havent been treated fairly but they could just sack him as well and state it must have been one of you.
  • Of course they need proof to sack you, you should have been suspended on full pay while they carried out an investigation.
    Retail is no different from any other sector - your employment contract should detail their disiplinary proceedures (if you have one)!
    but basically I would be seeking a claim in an employment tribunual.
    And before you ask, I owed a retail store and had Ј30,000 stolen and it was hell to get the person sacked. I also had friends who owed a 'retail' outlet and their CCTV caught an employee helping herself to Ј20k out of the safe - they sacked her and she took them to a tribunal - she won!!! - because they did not follow the correct disiplinary proceedings!
    best of luck!
  • Situation seems disgusting IMO.
    a) this means pretty much anyone with a grudge or reason to get rid of anyone can dismiss them on a whim
    b) why would someone risk their job for a quick Ј180 after 10 years?! Does not make any logical sense.
    IMO it should be criminal charges, or repeated provable problems (their till etc, maybe on three occassions) = dismissal
  • Tbh I would be amazed if a store like Argos didnt have proper safe and cash procedures to avoid people being alone with cash whenever not necessary and accessing the safe on your own would surely be a no no.
    Im guessing the money went in the safe by the manager with some verification (i.e another person or timestamp or similar) and the count has been verified thus it was removed after.
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