05 May 2018

A question about : apparantely advisor does not have to prove it

Regarding the thread does the advisor have to prove it if anyone has any constructive advice that might be good..

My advisor said i didnt apply for enough jobs and i had a sanction in december even though it wasnt clear how many i should be applying for. He stated there were 200 jobs on UJ i could have gone for.

I asked him to prove it and he ignored me so i went and had a managers meeting yesterday to report advisor for not answering and he said the advisor does not have to provide proof?title=EEK!

I had been told by the decision makers he does have to evidence it but manager says no.

Who is right and why dosent he have to prove it. Manager just suggests i make an appeal to the tribunal. Its all on their side isnt it?

Best answers:

  • If the decision makers says he needs to prove it then how are they going to find in their favour without the proof?
    They aren't, are they?
    It should be overturned!
  • A tribunal decision will be based on the balance of probabilities. Where evidence is contradictory the judge will decide which version of events is more believable.
    How many jobs did you apply for? Did you do anything to compensate for the lack of vacancies, such as sending out speculative cv's or emailing agencies?
  • Just out of interest - are people really expected to apply for 200 jobs a week (or even a fortnight). Does seem a little excessive ...
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