10 May 2018

unfair job reference? I got offered a job then rejected

A question about : unfair job reference? I got offered a job then rejected

i went for an interview in a jewelry store. the lady said 'i m happy if your happy' ,and 'you'll be starting on the 26th'. so i totally thought i got the job, and didnt go to another interview. then a week later i got a rejection letter? i left my old job because of mobbing, and i'm worried that i ve been given an unfair reference. Can i write and ask to see what reference they gave me? since my files are on 'hold'.

any advice appreciated title=Frown

14 May 2018

Verbal agreements

A question about : Verbal agreements

Hi All.

i need some advice please title=Smile

16 May 2018

Do I need a sick note please ?

A question about : Do I need a sick note please ?


I only work Monday-to-Thursday each week.

Last Monday, I went to work as normal but had to go home due to illness.

I expect to return to work next Tuesday.

Can someone please tell me whether I need a sick note ? I don't think that I will but grateful for advice.

15 May 2018

Police caution: Lost job I was offered

A question about : Police caution: Lost job I was offered

Well it could be 3. Two were on our local rail companies cleaning trains and another was for a hospital porter. As im on JSA what jobs can I go for now. I naively accepted a police caution as I had no idea it would stop me doing a job like the above but it has. So could anyone please advise me what jobs I can go for now. Someone on here might have had the same problem as me. Are there any help groups out there.

Many Thanks

11 May 2018

FCA employment checks

A question about : FCA employment checks


I come from Portugal and have been in UK for over 7 years.

I was made redundant from my last job where I was over 3 years, I have found another job but it is in an insurance company and I was told that it requires a credit check, this is in accordance with the FCA guidelines on compliance.

Here in the UK I have checked with Experian and Equifax and there are no issues, no missed payments, no debt of any kind and no fines. My criminal record is also clean both here and Portugal.

10 May 2018

Breaking away from call centre work... Light at the end of the tunnel?

A question about : Breaking away from call centre work... Light at the end of the tunnel?

I've been working for a large company as inbound customer support for a while. Well over a year. I took it as it was my first job and tbf I was grateful of the experience.

Has anyone managed to break away from this sort of role? What are you doing now? There are other better paid call centre jobs out there, but I hate it. It's soul destroying. I suffer it for the money but I can't quite imagine being here in 5+ years time. Limited opportunity for advancing unless your face fits.

15 May 2018

Salary earned on a daily basis?

A question about : Salary earned on a daily basis?

Good Evening All,

Hopefully someone can help, just reviewing an offer letter which states the following, 'Salary will be Јxx,xxx per annum, it will be earned on a daily basis, and paid monthly in arrears.

The bold bit that I have highlighted is what we are unsure about, I am unfamiliar with the phrase and a google search hasn't answered my question.

12 May 2018

Soul Destroying Job Seeking

A question about : Soul Destroying Job Seeking

Hi am a mature university graduate and have been looking for a full time permanent job since I graduated 3 years ago. My degree doesn't correspond to any particular job, and in the busy job seeking market that doesn't help. The only experience I had in the previous 4 years to graduating was being a student. When faced with large amounts of younger more specialised qualified job applicants, I believe employers dont give me a second look.
