16 May 2018

A question about : Do I need a sick note please ?


I only work Monday-to-Thursday each week.

Last Monday, I went to work as normal but had to go home due to illness.

I expect to return to work next Tuesday.

Can someone please tell me whether I need a sick note ? I don't think that I will but grateful for advice.

Best answers:

  • My employer would say my sickness started on Monday so I'd need one.
  • Thanks for ur responses.
    I will wait and see wot my employer want before I do anything. Really will be surprised if they want a sick note as my line manager sent me home for being sick last Monday and I have phoned each day our employer sick line.
  • They will most probably ask you to complete a self cert which they should have on site for you to fill in.....They may not include Monday as a sick day if you completed most of your working hours.
  • If you were sent home on Monday then they may accept Tuesday as being the first day off sick. If so then you should be OK. That fact that you phoned in every day won't change the way the days are counted.
  • I would think you would need a sick note, as self certify is normally 7 days. I know you don't work Friday's, but you weren't fit to return to work on Friday as you were also sick on the following Monday, so have been sick for 8 days.
    As others have said though, check with your work.
  • I missed the bit about not being well this Monday as well....how some one would know that a few days before hand is one of life's little mysteries..
  • Hi all,
    Just a quick update. My employer said that I did not need a sick note as I returned to work in time.
    As always, I did have to do a return to work interview, which lasted less than 5 mins
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