10 May 2018

Sick or Quit?

A question about : Sick or Quit?

Hi all

10 May 2018

Changing companies within a group

A question about : Changing companies within a group


I have worked for the same company for coming up to 8 years, this company owns a group of companies, the main one being the one that has employed me since the start.

There is now talk of one of the group companies employing me as my role has changed ever so slightly.
Will this have any effect on my contract terms and length of employment ie. if there were redundancies etc?

10 May 2018

Job brokers

A question about : Job brokers

Have been on Incapacity benefit(credits) for 18 months now - Want to get back into work and heard off somebody about Job brokers.....Dont know a lot about them but i presume the dwp would help me find out or do they provide them....Any info appreciated

13 May 2018


A question about : BenefitsandWork.co.uk

The BenefitsandWork website is no longer free to use and anyone wishing to access the very valuable information they have on their site will now have to pay Ј15 a year to become a member title=Mad

11 May 2018

Am I entitled To Sick Pay at Part Time job?

A question about : Am I entitled To Sick Pay at Part Time job?

Hi. I wonder if you can help. For three weeks after Easter I was unable to work, so I had to take time off from my full time job & my part time job. My full time job will pay me no problem, but apparently I am not entitled to SSP from my part time job because I already have a full time job? Please could someone shed some light on this?

08 May 2018

Annual leave while off sick?

A question about : Annual leave while off sick?

Hi, I hope someone can help me?
I have been off work with an industrial injury for over 20 months! I have now been dismissed due to capability. Can I claim the annual leave that I had not taken in 03/04?
Geallu x

10 May 2018

Sick Note

A question about : Sick Note

I have just started to receive IB as my SSP has now stopped, on my letter it says your sick note runs out on 25 May - does this mean I am covered for the 25 May? and need to go back on the 26th May.
Also in my letter it says as long as you send a sick note we will pay you, my employers are about to finish me through ill health - what happens then.

11 May 2018

working through my annual leave

A question about : working through my annual leave

Hi everyone
