12 May 2018

Sick&Redundant--who pays wages?

A question about : Sick&Redundant--who pays wages?

14 May 2018

holiday pay while sick

A question about : holiday pay while sick

having been off work sick for 22wks am i due my accrued holiday pay at my normal hourly rate when i return to work,or as my employer suggests.at the ssp hourly rate? anyone help?

14 May 2018

Need Jobseekers Advice

A question about : Need Jobseekers Advice

I have recently been made redundant and went for the Job seekers Interview today, I am 58 years old with less than 2 years to retirement, have never been unemployed and worked for my last employer for 17 years on a part time basis as a bookeeper 18 hours per week, it seems I am going to have to jump through hoops to get the benefit.

11 May 2018

Can you recommend any jobsearch sites?

A question about : Can you recommend any jobsearch sites?

At the moment, I use:


Any suggestions for any other good ones?

13 May 2018

the dreaded redundancy question

A question about : the dreaded redundancy question

Hi people would really like some help on this. Unfortunetly for me I was told on 6th of the month that I was going to be made redundant on 6th May.

I have to admit I have been knocked for 6 by this and have hidden my head from this problem. I would really appreciate some advice if anyone can help please.

11 May 2018


A question about : Ssp

I am after some advice with regards to SSP. I have been off work since mid Feb 2005 and currently only receive the basic SSP. I have outgoings such as mortgage, utilities and general living costs to pay. My girlfriend only works 16 hours a week and brings in around Ј350 a month. There is quite a large shortfall between the amount coming in and the amount needed to go out. Is there any other benefits that I can claim. Also do I need to inform the WTC that I am on the sick and will any payment changes be straight away.

13 May 2018

Pet sitting and dog walking

A question about : Pet sitting and dog walking

Hi there,

I'm looking at setting up my own business doing this and wondered if anyone else on here did the same and had any advice.

Even though I'm only 25 I have lots of experience in this area as my parents ran a boarding kennels while I was growing up and only sold it in 2001.

Also, if you are in this business, where did you get your insurance from?



Best answers:

    09 May 2018

    Graduate jobseeking esp with a 2.2 degree

    A question about : Graduate jobseeking esp with a 2.2 degree

    I have an economics degree, but it's a 2.2. Apparently, 2/3 of graduate schemes require a 2.1 or 1st and it's incredibly difficult to get a decent job. Here's a list of where to look:
