10 May 2018

A question about : unfair job reference? I got offered a job then rejected

i went for an interview in a jewelry store. the lady said 'i m happy if your happy' ,and 'you'll be starting on the 26th'. so i totally thought i got the job, and didnt go to another interview. then a week later i got a rejection letter? i left my old job because of mobbing, and i'm worried that i ve been given an unfair reference. Can i write and ask to see what reference they gave me? since my files are on 'hold'.

any advice appreciated title=Frown

Best answers:

  • Call the manager of the jewellery store, and ask why you received a rejection letter when you were offered the job verbally.
  • I would call them and query it.
    I'd say "Hi, i received a rejection letter for a job i had applied for and been given verbal confirmation of a start date. I'm a bit confused and i was wondering if you could tell me what's going on / what's happened"
  • Ring them up and ask.
    I had similar experience, only it was via email, I rang up and they said you have the job and please ignore the email as it was sent in error
  • Perhaps the job didn't exist and it was a 'pool' type of vacancy, meaning you'll only work if we need you to the 26th, ho hum, a bit unfair sounds like they have not been clear to you and perhaps you are well shot of the place in advance or have you possibly mistook what was being said?
    I wouldn't believe everything you hear about bad references - until it is made very, VERY clear to you (previously I think I would have had a dismissal in absence and it hasn't effected me in picking up work albeit of a temporary nature) the ex boss really wasn't that twisted I don't think
  • You're assuming it's a bad reference. Just ask why you got a rejection given that you were given a verbal start date. Don't mention bad references as this will make them suspicious anyway.
  • I am also wondering what 'mobbing' is. Can anybody enlighten us please.
  • ah thanks didn't think to google that one.
  • No problem
  • OP.
    Phone them, ask them why they refused and then tell them that realistically they can sack you within 2 years with little recourse so why not just give you a go and see how it goes after 3 months etc
  • LOL - I assumed mobbing meant a lot of people came in and the OP was unable to serve them all and the manager thought them slack.
  • thanku, actually i think better people showed up, plus a jewelry store next to said place, just shut down, so there must have been better candidates with perfect job history and references
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