14 May 2018

Tips for moving into working in the nhs sector

A question about : Tips for moving into working in the nhs sector

Hi all i am in the process of undertaking employment in the nhs as a clerk in a hospital department. Now i have previously done 2 years as a student nurse but had to leave that due to health reasosn. Now this department of course will be very different from a ward area. I have of course worked within the nhs as a student nurse but is there any tips you have i could use to begin employment as a proper employed member of staff.

11 May 2018

Reference help needed

A question about : Reference help needed

Hi all, was wondering if anyone could help me with advice on references on job applications.

I am currently a stay at home mum and have been since my daughter was born nearly 2 years ago (march 2013). Prior to that I was at university for 3 years (graduated January 2013). Ive not worked since December 2009 and in the 18 months before starting university I ended up doing 4 temp jobs through 3 different agencies lasting for 4 weeks to 4 months.

11 May 2018

Job Seeker Allowance Eligibility

A question about : Job Seeker Allowance Eligibility

Hi guys

I've been reading a lot about JSA general info. etc. just can't find the info to answer my question about the eligibility of claiming the JSA. I left work in March 2014 to travel around the world. Came back in January 2015 and actively looking for job now. Just wondering if I can claim the JSA from the period I come back to UK or even earlier? I always live here, work and pay TAX/NI up until I went on travelling.

11 May 2018

Encircle Marketing

A question about : Encircle Marketing

Hello People,

I worked here for 4 weeks and the first 2 weeks were great I was told how good I was progressing and how much of a hard worker I was.

After the 2nd week a trainer that was on sick had returned. I for some reason unknown to me had to re train again. Suffice to say the training was exactly the same as the 1st training session and I was told nothing new at all. Except my target score went down instead of up.

12 May 2018

Two assessments, one day

A question about : Two assessments, one day

Hi there,

I'm in the fortunate position to have been invited to two assessment days. Annoyingly, they are both on the same day, at the same time. As these are assessment days (rather than just straight forward interviews), I'm almost certain that I will not be able to reschedule either of them. So this leaves me with a dilemma about which one to attend. Both of these jobs are within the mental health field, which I have been working in for 3.5 years.

13 May 2018

payroll/book keeping/ sales ledger/ a/c receivable etc etc

A question about : payroll/book keeping/ sales ledger/ a/c receivable etc etc

payroll/book keeping/ sales ledger/ a/c receivable etc etc

I always see lots of jobs like these advertised in my area. Often through agencies. They all pay a bit more than minimum wage which is what i'm used too so that's good.

10 May 2018

Telling potential employers about pregnancy

A question about : Telling potential employers about pregnancy

11 May 2018

Work Programme Advice Needed. Do I have to go back onto it?

A question about : Work Programme Advice Needed. Do I have to go back onto it?

Hi There,

Hope everyone is good? I will try and keep this as brief as possible. Ok I started on the Work Programme in October 2012 after being unemployed for 12 months. Anyway I managed to get some temp jobs in 2013 which only lasted for a few weeks at a time. When I signed back on at the dole after the contracts finished I had to go back onto the work programme each time.
