15 May 2018

A question about : Police caution: Lost job I was offered

Well it could be 3. Two were on our local rail companies cleaning trains and another was for a hospital porter. As im on JSA what jobs can I go for now. I naively accepted a police caution as I had no idea it would stop me doing a job like the above but it has. So could anyone please advise me what jobs I can go for now. Someone on here might have had the same problem as me. Are there any help groups out there.

Many Thanks

Best answers:

  • What was the caution for and when were you given it?
  • Presumably by not accepting the caution, they may have proceeded with a prosecution instead which would have been even worse?
  • It was for my pushing my 11 year old daughter back into her seat on a train. I had told her off for coming back later than she said. She ended up crying and someone called the police. They come on the train took us off arrested me and drove my daugter safely back to their mum. The cctv looked very tame and prior to this we play fight rougher than this.
    The most important thing is that my daugher loves me more than anything and I was so stupid for disciplining her in public. The hospital porter job as ask for an explanation so I am still waiting to hear but the rail companies wasnt interested.
  • Telling her off is one thing. Pushing her physically isn't telling her off. I believe your version. But any employer who requires a police check is going to question seriously the impulse to resort to physical contact (which can easily become violence) when in an argument. For God's sake don't say that "I was so stupid for disciplining her in public" to anyone else. Physical threat is not discipline, and I can guarantee the hospital will see it that way. Your best response is "out of character", "worried sick about the whereabouts of your eleven year old daughter", and "would absolutely NEVER act in a physically aggressive manner normally".
    I accept this may seem OTT to you, but the fact is that too many children have been harmed by parents whilst neighbours, friends and others have stood by making excuses for why it is not their fault. You will get much more credit from an employer for recognising what you did wrong than in making excuses about "play fighting" being rougher.
  • Hopefully since the incident you have also reviewed what is deemed appropriate in 'play fighting'.
  • I told the employer exactly that. I was worried sick and have over 15 years of portering with no problems at all. I spoke to the person for quite a while telling her how worried I was. This was my birthday trip to the sea side to watch an air show. I gave them a wrist band each and they asked for more money to win a minion and be straight back but that didnt happen and I was so angry and relieved when they came back. My son was with me and another adult. There was no witnesses and poor cctv. She got angry and got up to go into the next carriage where her brother was ( he was in the toilet and my mate was waiting outside) and I said no I aint finished with you and when she got up again I stopped her again but how the law has changed over the years. I have been hit harder by the police than that back in the 70s.
    Whoever called the police that night has truly made things worse for my daughter as I couldnt see her for 3 months and now with no job I seriously might have to sell my flat and move to Scotland where my dads side of the family are to downsize to a much bigger house.
  • Tom. The first thing I said to her when I see her last week after she came running to me was why didnt you defend yourself against me. What if this was a stranger wouldnt you defend yourself. Her reply was, you were close. My kids adore me, I take them out almost every weekend to sea side resorts. Once they left the contact centre the first thing they said is can we see dad next week.
  • Accepting a police caution involves admitting your guilt in the matter.
  • Okay but what do I do know for work now. If you only answer is self employed then say it. Ive told you what I have done and tbh I dont think I want to keep confessing it to employer after employer.
  • I know. Would have thought I stood a chance on night work cleaning empty trains but there you go. I havent got a clue about working on my own but can afford to live on a low amount.
  • Please don't blame the person that called the police,
    Made matters 10 times worse. They should have minded their own business. If I were punching the living daylights out of her I wouldnt have mind but she's my daughter and every one who knows her say she is well behaved because I discipline her when I have to. Things are so much worse for my daughter now and the duty solicitor should have told me to not accept the caution. I suppose none of your parents hit you.
  • She disobeyed me when I told her to stay put and I pushed her back in her seat. My DBS says assault by battery. How do you think I feel about them saying that. So once again you cant answer the question I came on here for help for. What do I do now. If you dont know, thats fine,
  • Thing is times have changed
    Back in the day a copper could give a kid a clump (and so could a hospital porter) but no longer . It simply isn't acceptable behaviour for a parent (not just in public) to shove a child and had you gone to court it probably wouldn't have gone well.
    No adult should need to resort to physical force to control an eleven year old and you don't seem to have any shame that you're not deemed suitable to see your kids unaccompanied so have to see them at a contact centre. You just blame the person who reported you -and even the child herself.
    As for moving - that would be an unfortunate consequence but really you have no-one to blame but yourself and should be apologizing to your kids that you caused the situation instead of throwing blame at them .
    Most people manage to care for their kids fulltime without resorting to assault -let alone just having to restrain themselves just once a week on an access visit. Most of us may have wanted to at one time of another- but have not done so (even those of us who were smacked as kids ourselves)
    Maybe anger management would be helpful both to you personally and in restoring access ?
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