14 Jan 2018

A question about : Broken ankle

(Mods: Please move if this is in the wrong section)

I broke my ankle and will be on crutches for the next 6-8 weeks at least.

I was treated by the NHS and am back at work now.

My workplace is only a 10 minute drive away but because of my injury I'm not able to drive so I have to now rely on the buses and / or taxis to commute to work.

I have to get 2 buses even though it's a short distance because of the routes the bus take and in between I have a bit of a distance to walk which I'm finding really difficult on the crutches.
So I've been using cabs more and more as I'm struggling to physically cope with the bus commute. And this of course means having to spend a lot more money to get to and from work.

I am therefore just wondering given my predicament if it it is at all possible to claim back travel expenses in full or part or is there anything I might be entitled to as a result of my short term disability?


Best answers:

  • Claim from who? I would have thought that unless someone is responsible for your accident, there is no-one to 'claim' from.
  • I drive a car to work. Car breaks down. I get the bus. Can I claim my travelling expenses back?
  • Access to work is a possiblity you could explore.
  • Ask someone you work with to make a detour to your house.
    Offer them money towards the petrol.
  • Alternatively, can you take a cab for the shorter distance of the one of the bus, hence only have to take one and making it easier?
  • regardless of how promising the 'access to work' info seems ... It really isnt that easy to get, and takes months to arrange, by which time you wont need it
  • Access for work doesn't usually deal with short term disabilities and can be a lengthy process. You would be up and about before they even started assessing you. Surely the money saved on fuel compensates for your bus fares anyway?
  • What bus company do you use.
  • Have you asked your employer? If they can't pay, you might be able to negotiate working from home some days instead.
    I know how you feel as I had a similar situation a few years ago, the walking on crutches gets a lot easier though as your arms get stronger!
  • Very unlikely you could. Did you have the accident at work that caused your broken leg. If you went through acsess to work doubt you would get it in that time frame.
    Is there any policies at work to help you out as this would be a work agreement.
  • Do you not have friends at work who could pick you up ans take you in and back or a neighbour, friends or relatives.
  • Would your work allow you to work from home or drop to p/t until you can manage better with your ankle?
    I really don't think there are any benefits that will help.
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