15 Jan 2018

A question about : New Tax Free Childcare & KiddiVouchers

Hi All,

I'm aware the new Tax Free Childcare scheme is launching later this year and was wondering is anyone had any ideas if the following is possible.

Me and my wife both work (me full-time, wife part-time 3 days).

I work and pay Tax & NI and currently claim the full Ј243 in KiddiVouchers, where is my wife in below the Income Tax threshold therefore does not benefit from these).

My question is, when the new scheme launches will I be able to continue claiming the KiddiVouchers and my wife claim the Tax Free element for the difference? (e.g. Ј653 Childcare minus Ј243 Kiddi Vouchers = Ј410. So would she be able to claim the Tax Free element in her name for the remaining Ј410?.

Best answers:

  • I think you can only be in one scheme as you claim as a couple.
  • Thanks. I wasn't sure how it worked as I know both parents can claim childcare vouchers at the moment. I didn't know if we have the choice to do do the same.
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