19 Jan 2018

A question about : Anyone else not received child benefit today ?

I bank with Norwich and Peterborough (Part of Yorkshire building society) and my child benefit has not gone in yet.
Just wondered if it's just me or others have the same problem ?
N&P did change their sort code a few weeks ago but existing payments didn't need to be updated because they are redirected.
I have had child benefit since the sort code update so this can't be the problem.
Will call Child Benifit if it's not in at 8 I suppose title=Frown

Best answers:

  • Ours comes every 4 weeks. The date it comes changes every month.... It was here yesterday, but I doubt we have the same pay date
  • They don't know why no payments are showing on the system so we have to wait up to nine days for a referral
  • Mine came through yesterday as normal. Different bank though.
  • did you get it?
  • This happened to me only it was six weeks in before I realised. I gave mine paid into a savings account and use it to pay direct debits. It wasn't until a direct debit bounced that I realised it had stopped. I phoned Child Benefit and they said they'd written to me and as the letter was returned to them they assumed Id moved and suspended Child Benefit. They set it back up and back dated the payments and I had it within a week. It may be worth calling them.
  • Got this resolved.
    They just called and said it was because twenty weeks had passed since we stopped claiming for a family friend who lived with us.
    For some reason they have to re check the claim after twenty weeks of someone being removed.
    I have never came across this before but at least it got solved.
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